Thursday, April 1, 2021

Two questions to ask evolutionists

Smug evolution fans have been “having it their way” for decades. Brain pummeling children for decades with evolutionism and Darwinist propaganda. And yet, because it doesn’t pass the smell test, evolution remains a less than viable theory at best. Humans just intrinsically know that it’s hogwash. Especially now in the age of DNA.

So next time you’re confronted by an evolution fan, ask them these two questions and see if they can answer it. I’ll give you a hint (spoiler alert) the first one must be answered “No.”, and they won’t be able to answer the second one at all. So here are the two questions:

1. Were you there?

2. What is the physical evidence of that?

Science is based on measurable and demonstrable evidence. Supposition and guesswork has its place, but it should be minimized and identified as such. Evolution doesn’t do this. Evolutionary scientists preach evolution like it’s a stone cold fact. And trust me when I tell you, it is not. It is still very much open to debate.

When they tell you dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago as the result of a meteor strike, simply ask them “Were you there?” And/or “What evidence do you have that happened?” You will never see such dancing around in your life.

The scientist cannot rightly say “we believe” because since they reject faith-based information, how can they then express faith in a certain belief? So they are painted into a corner. But they HAVE TO say it because it is supposition and theory based on desired outcomes. And friends, that ain’t science.

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