Wednesday, April 14, 2021

My Own Paranormal Experiences #3

While working at Jubilee Lakeview in 2019 I had a strange incident occur to me that defies explanation. Anyone who knows me knows I am a complete skeptic with regard to paranormal stuff. That said, this incident is beyond explanation but relies on my word for its truthfulness. I have no reason to lie about this. So I place myself at the mercy of the audience and ask that you simply believe what I say.

At the time the incident occurred I was doing my morning duty in the hallway. My job was to stand and monitor the corridor to make sure no students went past. So I was alone. My position was essentially at the base of a flight of stairs that lead to the upper floor. The stairs were behind me to my left about 8 feet away as I stood facing the double doors which were about 50 feet away. As I stood there I heard the sound of rather heavy footsteps coming down the steps. My impression judging from the sound was that they were cowboy boots. I remember thinking “Hmmm... Someone wore cowboy boots today.” I was kind of interested to see who it was. I turned to see and... there was no one there. There were no more foot step sounds, no one ran back up the stairs (I had a clear view of the area), no one came down (there was no sound or sign of anyone). There was simply no one there. My mind was racing. I was desperately trying to think up a logical explanation. However, I could not then nor cannot now explain it. I later heard that the school had been built over a cemetery. True? I don’t know.

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