Wednesday, April 14, 2021

My Own Paranormal Experiences #5

These Events occurred many many years ago when I was young. It occurred in my grandmothers home town called Meridian Texas sometime in the 80’s. We were going to explore an old abandoned house. It was my brother, me, and my friend Paul Sessions. It was day time. We went in and I immediately felt creeped out. I mean, the place looked like a haunted house. I immediately caught a weird sense of foreboding. There was debris scattered around on the floor. Old magazines, broken chairs, abandoned clothing, water damaged books, a broken lamp, an old record player, etc. Hanging from the ceiling was one exposed lightbulb. From the side of this lightbulb hung a long pull chain. As we walked in, we walked in below and passed under the light. Nobody touched the light or the chain. I watched John, in full exploration mode, go down a hallway nearby. Paul and I were in the main room. Paul started exploring a pile of junk which was strewn next to a wall across the room. So I stood below the light with it slightly behind me, hanging suspended from the ceiling. As I watched Paul, and was contemplating a creepy vibe I was feeling, I suddenly heard the pull chain click behind me, and turning, I saw the light swaying back-and-forth. I swear on a stack of holy Bibles I never touched it. Like a flash I ran out the door. They asked me what the problem was and I told them what happened. They sure didn’t spend much time in the house before they too exited. We all got creeped out and left. Apparently the house had been a parsonage at one time.

I swear this is true!!

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