Friday, April 16, 2021

5 Reasons I love riding bikes!

Anyone who knows me knows I love to ride my bike in the outdoors. I’m not a huge fan of working out in the gym. I understand people like it but it’s not for me.

So here are the top 5 reasons why I love riding my bike!!

5. The exercise! When you exercise your body releases endorphins. This is a fact. Endorphins act as a kind of drug to the brain. Like most drugs, it can be addicting. So I admit that it makes me feel good! It is good for the heart, the lungs, the brain, and the various systems of the body. Not to mention...

4. The sweat! When you sweat you are expelling toxins from your body literally. When I sweat I feel fabulous! The feeling of riding my bike, in the hot sun, with sweat pouring down is a joy to me.

3. The challenge!! Accomplishing your goals in life is a vital part of being human. Riding a bike is a great way to experience it first hand. Whenever I’m done riding a 10 mile bike ride or even a 6 mile bike ride I have a sense of accomplishment that feels really good. The ride itself might be a little challenging but when you’re finally finished there is an unbelievable feeling of accomplishment!

2. The people! Out there on the trail one encounters not just animals, but men, women, and children. Also it is also very common to meet someone who is walking the family pet (99% of the time it’s a dog). It’s nice to see other people also riding bikes. One thing that really inspires me is when I see an older man ride by. A guy that’s significantly older than me but still riding his bike gives me hope. It means I can continue riding my bike for many years to come! Often times I’ll wave at those guys and say “good job man”!

1. The scenery! For me, when it comes to exercise, nothing fills me with as much joy as seeing/hearing/feeling the tapestry of gorgeous nature in front of me. The green trees, the blue sky, the yellow sunlight, and the fresh breeze on my skin. I feel so alive! Here and there one can encounter a deer or two, perhaps a rabbit, or even an armadillo. In the areas where I ride people have seen foxes, rattlesnakes, and raccoons. There is no telling what you might see on your ride. Though I’ve never seen one, or heard one, or seen evidence of one, some people say that they’ve actually seen cougars in the wilds around here (San Antonio). I kind of doubt it, but when you’re deep in woods on a remote trail, the thought of running into a hungry puma is sobering to say the least. All in all, riding my bike through colorful outdoor scenery makes me very happy!

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