Wednesday, April 14, 2021

My Own Paranormal Experiences #4

While working at Jubilee Lakeview in 2019 I had another strange incident occur to me that also defies explanation. As previously mentioned, anyone who knows me knows I am a complete skeptic with regard to paranormal stuff. That said, this incident is beyond explanation but relies on my word for its truthfulness. I have no reason to lie about this. So I again ask that you simply believe what I say.

I was once again standing in the same spot of the hall during my morning hall monitor duty. This time I wasn’t alone. A colleague of mine was standing there conversing with me. In fact there were several people around. This next part is somewhat difficult to effectively put into words but I will try. Essentially I felt a hand softly touch my shoulder and pass behind me. I assumed it was a teacher passing between me and the wall or something like that and I even said “Oh, excuse me!” But turning I saw no one there. I looked at my colleague who was facing me the whole time and said “I felt someone pass behind me!” He of course confirmed that no one had passed through. So what was it? I guarantee you someone (or something) lightly touched my shoulder as he, she, or it passed by behind me. Makes you think!

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