Friday, April 23, 2021

Walk Family Pets

This subject matter is a bit depressing, but I must persist!

We (the Walks) have had many pets over the years. This post will try to compile all the info available as to all the pets we had. (Many of these photos are of lookalike animals as photos don’t exist of the actual pet. Sorry)

Our Dogs:

Mike - He was a Boston Terrier. Way before my time.

Shadow - he was a brown pekingese dog. He lived for about 18 years. He’s buried in the back yard somewhere. He said “abbot, abbot” when he barked! LOL! He looked like this.

Here is an actual photo of Shadow. Being held by John (age 14 or so)

Toby - he was a small mutt. He was quite temperamental. Liked to escape the back yard. One day he got out and sadly he got his throat torn out by a bigger dog. Had to be “put down”. He looked a lot like this.

Tony - was a small poodle. He was pretty cool. Considered “mom’s dog”. Lived for a while. We found him dead in the back yard. He had apparently had a heart attack. Dad called him “Sir Humpsalot” cuz he got to where he’d hump legs and other things quite a bit. He looked something like this.

Ben - was a medium sized mixed breed (husky, German shepherd mix). He was a great dog!! Died of old age. Here he is:


Max - he was a black Labrador. Great great dog! We got him on November 3, 1997. He died in April 2010 of old age! 13 years old. Here he is:

Winnie - was a mixed breed dog. She was a pretty good sized dog. We got her in April 2010 from David who lived across the street from me on Lee Hall. Sadly, she was wild! She caused all kinds of mayhem. We eventually had no choice but to abandon her. Randy took her to McAllister park and let her go, must’ve been in 2016. Never to be seen again. Whereabouts unknown. Here she is:

Tripper - smallish mutt. A sweet but very antsy dog. She was found dead in Dad’s back yard. No cause of death could be determined. We suspected Winnie had killed her (thus we got rid of Winnie). It appeared it was possible Winnie had essentially “played with her” to death. This picture looks like how I remember her (note: the photo below is NOT actually her)

Daisy - was a pug, rescued from a neighbor’s house in April 2011. She had problems with her front legs. She was “Dad’s dog”. She died in 2020. She just collapsed and died one day. “Diva Daisy”. She looked kind of like this, but, like I said, her forelegs were bent.

 Here are some pics of actual Diva Daisy when she was a puppy!

Rosie - another pug. She is still a puppy as of this writing (April 2021). She is pretty dad-gummed hyper!!


Our Cats:

Samson - a yellowish Manx cat. He was “mom’s cat”. He lived a looong time! Was a “blocked Tom”. That means he got a condition where he could not pee. His urethra would become clogged. He had to have surgery. Here he is:

Tommy - was a black and white tuxedo cat. We found him as a tiny abandoned kitten in a hollow tree on March 23, 2001 at 8:30 pm. I pulled him out. He outlived all the other cats. Lived a good long life and then, like all good people and pets, he passed away. “The T man” Here he is:

Milo - was a dark grey cat with white trim. Real sweet cat! Also found in that hollow tree. Mom plucked him out on August 5, 2001. Only lived barely 7 years. He died in February of 2007. Also became a “blocked tom”. “Milosevich”. Here are actual pictures of him:


Shooter - tan and white long hair cat. Lived outside. Great disposition. Sadly died under mysterious circumstances. Here’s an actual photo of him.

Annie - black bootsie cat. Very neurotic. She was unsociable. She was given away following mom’s death.


Mollie - a grey long haired cat. Also very neurotic and unsociable. She was given away too after mom died. “Punky Doodles”...


Tiger - tannish colored tabby. lived for a long long time. Lived outside. Liked to get on the roof. A good little cat. “Tiggy pooters”


Midnight - black Bootsie cat. Still alive as of this writing (4/21). Lives outside. “Mid”.

Also we kids have had our own pets. Some notable ones:

Cookie - John’s dog. Very very good dog! She had a good long life!

Bruce -John’s Great Dane. He only lived 9 years. He was huge, and was a good dog!

Raven - Izzy’s cat. All black. She was with us from the early years of our marriage. She lived at every place we have lived so far (three places). Lived long enough to see Blaine. She passed I think from old age in October of 2015. She lived probably about 10 years or so. Mostly outside. She was very feisty!! “Ravey”


Penelope - grey and white cat. She is still alive (4/21). She is a sweet cat but quite neurotic these days. “Penelepuss”. Here is an actual picture of her.


Eddie - our current cat. He is black and white. And is a very good cat. We got him as a kitten when dad decided Eddie was scratching him too much. We took him in. “Edster Medster”. Here is an actual picture of him:

Nermal - he was a grey tabby. He just showed up one day. He was after Pete. We loved him but he vanished suddenly shortly after Eddie arrived. “The Nerminator”. Where did he go? He looked a lot like this.

Pete - a grey Tabby. I loved Pete. Showed up one day. I took him in. A little while later he too vanished, never to be seen again. “Petey Pete”. He looked a lot like this.

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