Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Obamanation = Afganistan, Gitmo, Oh NO!

Obama is scaring me. He wants to close Gitmo and is waffling on his pledge to send more troops to Afghanistan.

Oh my.

Add to this the fact that he has scrapped our missile defense base that we were going to put in Poland. Cheese and crackers! Is this guy crazy?

Add to that the fact that he wants to sit down and "negotiate with Ak-mah-dinna-jad! What? Negotiate what? Negotiate means GIVE and TAKE. What are we going to GIVE Iran? No, you don't negotiate. You tell them to stop now or else. If they don't like it, you put sanctions. If that doesn't work, you bomb them. Simple as that!

Let's look at each issue briefly.

Guantanamo Bay: Since 2002 this 3 part detainment camp holds the worst of the worst criminals against facing our country. Namely... international terrorists. These dudes are the real bad actors. We're talking people like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the guy who masterminded 9/11. This naval base has been there since 1898. Obama wants to release these fiends into their respective countries, or house them on US soil. What? Here is his own words on the subject...

Great! Here is the real story... U.S. lawyers can't get their greedy mits on these high profile often wealthy international terrorists. Imagine the money! I'm sure there are plenty of defense lawyers chomping at the bit to defend Khalid Mohammed. Housed on U.S. soil they will benefit from special treatment they don't deserve.

Afghanistan: Obama is heistant now to put more troops into Afghanistan. Even though he said this during the campaign.

Now he says this...

Missile Defense in Europe: Here is Obama speaking about the new missile defense plan...

And here is some LEFT-WING media coverage...

I hope and pray they're right, because our lives will be in in danger, while they're experimenting.


Anonymous said...

Obama scares me too. It's getting to where I don't know when he's telling the truth or just shoveling more BS at us. What a sad situation for our President to be in. His policies for Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran send confusing messages to the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

I find it more than just interesting that President Obama is making so many quick decision during the first part of his administration that effects not only America, but the entire world. Obviously, he specializes in jumping right in - where angels fear to tread. These decisions will affect at least two generations to come.