Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Jimmy Carter is dangerous

People today think of Jimmy Carter as a washed up old relic of the 70's with no relevance to today. Or perhaps they view him as a kindly old man, even a grandfatherly figure. Nothing could be further from reality. He is a blight on the face of this nation. We are still paying for his mistakes. In many ways, it was his presidency that paved the way for what ultimately happened on 9/11. Tough words? You'll understand why I say that in a moment if you read on. Allow me to explain the truth about Jimmy Carter. Carter's legacy = The rise to prominance of militant Muslims, and the age of terrorism. He loves dictators. He is no fan of Israel. He is a reverse racist. He is an agitator. He represents everything that is wrong about liberalism in action. Carter's meddling in the middle east began when he allowed the Shah of Iran to recieve medical treatment in the USA in October of 1979. This allowed the Ayatolla Khomeini to come to power in Iran. Iran became a hive of virulent anti-west hatred. In March of 1979 Carter had made an attempt to grand-stand a mid-east peace accord. He pressured Israel (under Menachem Begin) and Egypt (under Anwar Sadat) to sign a "peace agreement", which completely destabilized the Arab world, and fomented anti-US sentiment in the mid-east. These acts greatly angered Iran and spawned the first major act of Islamic terrorism against the US. Namely, the Iran hostage crisis in November of 1979. Then, in October of 1981 Anwar Sadat was assassinated because of his percieved chummy relationship with America and Israel. A perception caused by Jimmy Carter's peace photo-op at Camp David. So who was the guy who declared the Fatwa calling for the murder of Sadat? It was Omar Abdel-Rahman. The same guy who 12 years later tried to blow up the World Trade Centers in 1993. When he was rightly jailed for that, he became something of a martyr in the Islamic world inspiring certain terrorists to become more militant. Osama Bin Laden was one of the ones who rose up against the USA, inspired by Rahman. It was because of this that Bin Laden and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (who had helped fund the 1993 World Trade Center bombings) began hatching new plans for carrying out acts of terrorism against US targets. Each one became more ambitious than the last. They never forgot about the 1993 World Trade Center bombing's failure. So they hatched a more ambitious plan. Khalid Shaikh Mohammed masterminded a brand new and elaborate plan to strike the USA. His plan came to fruition, as we all know, on September 11th, 2001. The world changed forever. Thanks Mr. Carter! Of course we won't mention the fact that Bill Clinton (a.k.a. "Carter II") could have killed or arrested Bin Laden back in 2000 but didn't. (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4540958/) And that Slick Willie did nothing to crush Al Queda, instead focusing on Bosnia (!). Here's further reading for those interested in finding out more about Jimmy C's legacy of disaster... http://www.commondreams.org/views02/1018-06.htm http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2002/5/12/164726.shtml http://newsblaze.com/story/20071129155644tsop.nb/topstory.html

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