Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bill Clinton needs to go away

Ok. So Slick Willie has popped up again. Why? Well, he has decided that the world, and specifically the USA needs his expertise on certain issues. Namely = calling people racist who don't believe in Obama's policies. Great. Wasn't there another washed up old, should-have-died-a-long-time-ago, former so-called President running around calling decent Americans racist for daring to criticize our savior-in-chief. Yes there was. It was James Earl Carter.

Carter and Clinton. What a duo. These two men have done untolled damaged to the United States of America. Only historians of the future will be able to say how destructive their respective presidencies were.

The future is now. Say hello to the historian.

So, here is my exclusive interview with "His Slickness" William J. "Bill" Clinton.

Interviewer: Mr. President... Lets get straight down to brass tacks. Do you regret not arresting or killing Osama Bin Laden back in 2000?

Bill Clinton: Wait a minute. You are going to sit there and try to... look, we did deal with Bin Laden... we sent some special operatives down there to... look... I did what I could.

Interviewer: Right. Did you think it would be funny to leave the ticking time-bomb of international terrorism in the then new president's lap?

Bill Clinton: Now look! I didn't...

Interviewer: Maybe you should have been spending a little less time getting hummers in the oval office, and more time dealing with a comprehensive anti-terrorism initiative to protect the American people from the man who was clearly revving up to do something very bad to the United States. You knew who Bin laden was didn't you?

Bill Clinton: Yes, but look... it is very easy to sit there in your right wing chair and second guess my...

Interviewer: That doesn't matter. The fact is, you left public office in shame, having distracted the nation from extremely important issues that had direct bearing on their safety, with the country in a more vulnerable state than it was when you got there.

Bill Clinton: Ok... this is... this is...

Interviewer: Listen. Did muslim extremists attempt to blow up the world trade center while you were president?

Bill Clinton: Well, yes and we dealt with them... but let me say this...

Interviewer: What did you think about Bin laden declaring war on the USA in 1998, and then promptly blowing up 3 American embassies in Africa killing 225 people and wounding thousands?

Bill Clinton: Uh... well... I... we...

Interviewer: Tell me, did you go after Bin laden after he blew up the USS Cole in October of 2000, killing 17 service men, and wounding 40?

Bill Clinton: Ok, this is rediculous. I'm going to... that's it.

Interviewer: Thanks Mr. President for setting us up for 9/11. You truly did make a difference. Unfortunately it was a negative difference that ended up costing us nearly 3000 innocent lives, and changing our world forever.

Bill Clinton: #&@&* You!!

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