Monday, October 5, 2009

Atrocities of the 20th Century

You always hear about the atrocities that "religion" has created. And the old cliche that religion has caused more evil than anything else. Uh... not by a long shot.
Here is a great website that is just raw data on 20th century killings and atrocities caused by various people all over the world.

It is my view that religion has caused far fewer deaths and atrocities than those caused by what could be termed "human government".

By the way, here is the undisputed champion mass murderer of all time...

It is estimated that good ol' Mao Zedong was personally responsible for murdering between 50 to 70 MILLION people.
By the way, he was an ATHIEST.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very few mass murderers claim to be religious people...this includes Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Zedong along with all the other megalomaniacs down through history. On the other hand Jesus Christ died for our sins making it possible for us, who choose to believe in him, to spend eternity in heaven.