Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Halloween Memory #26: The Devil Costume

When I was a wee lad of 7, back in 1974, I was, shall we say "into Halloween". Big time! To this day I still love all the ghoulies and goblins and the excitement of FREE CANDY and glimpses into distant neighborhood houses (albeit fleetingly), and pranks and shenanigans and dressing up in disguise to be what you are not really!! Oh fun fun! Well, back in 1974 my Mom and I went to Winn's for a Halloween costume. I selected a devil costume. It looked like this: 
My father (a DEACON in the church) said, "NO WAY!" He objected to me dressing up as the great Satan himself. Though I didn't fully understand it then, I do now. It all worked out though. Cuz Mom got to work and dressed me up like a HOBO. Complete with mascara beard, saggy, baggy clothes and oversized shoes. Oh, and a bashed in old hat that once belonged to my Grandad. In the end it looked 10 times better than that cheapo devil costume. Plus I have a wonderful memory of my Mom coming to the (costume) rescue. There was another time mom whipped together a pirate costume on the spot and I won first prize at a neighborhood costume contest. Awesome memories!!

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