Monday, April 16, 2012

A More Likely Scenario (of the past)

Since Darwinian based science has avoided at all cost the notion of a global flood and focused their concentration on ANYTHING and EVERYTHING other than, they have been "barking up the wrong tree", so to speak, with regards to Earth's past. They claim that Earth is BILLIONS of years old. They also claim that life "appeared" at some point in the distant past, quite spontaneously and without any outside agency involvement. It just magically happened, they say. Then, they say, life began evolving through natural selection. Billions and billions and billions of years passed. Eventually there were dinosaurs (magically), and they "ruled the earth" for several billion years. Then came a meteor strike which ended up "destroying the dinosaurs". Then apes and or monkeys, (not sure which) kept evolving and evolving along with everything else, until eventually (a magic word in evolution), humans evolved. Which is evolution-speak for "WE showed up".

Evidence for all this? NONE. It is all conjecturally assumed to have occurred.

When they tell you all this stuff with their cock-sure smug attitude, simply ask them. "Were you there?"

Here is a more likely scenario.

[By the way, I am going to be very generous and leave the scientists an "out" so to speak with regard to religion, or God.]

A long time ago (perhaps a million years or so) the planet we later named "Earth" was formed. Life did not exist here at the time, just as life does not exist on any other planet in our solar system. At some point, I personally believe through a divine act (but perhaps some other outside agency), life began. Amazingly each specie was present in a completely functional capacity (Darwinian Scientists call it the "Cambrian explosion", I call it "creation"). From that day to this each specie has either grown and evolved (within its specie), or sadly, died out. At no time then or now has any specie ever changed into another specie "over time". It cannot happen as proven by the discovery of DNA and its processes. Some of the species on earth were the "dinosaurs" (these had been referred to by ancient humans as "dragons"). Nearly all of these animals went extinct following the great flood which obviously occurred in the distant past. This flood is what created in sedimentary rock the so-called "fossil record", in addition to coal deposits. After this flood which probably occurred as the result of a gigantic water canopy which many non-Darwinian Scientists believe used to surround the Earth coming down to Earth, and the surface changing through cataclysmic tectonic and volcanic activity. Yes, according to ancient writings, and observable geological evidence, the earth was very different back then. Following the cataclysmic events which nearly wiped out all human life on Earth, the conditions on our planet were radically different again. Because of these huge changes in the condition of earth's atmosphere (no greenhouse effect), the remnants of life which had somehow survived (I believe through divine providence) existed in a much tougher environment than previously. As a result of this, lifespans decreased. The Earth bears the scars of these catastrophic events in our planet's life.

Nearly every culture on Earth has a "flood story" in its traditions.
Nearly every culture on Earth has a story about a group of people and animals surviving the flood.
Nearly every culture on Earth has stories about Dragons (which is what ancient man called dinosaurs)
Nearly every culture on Earth tells about how God (or the gods), created life on Earth long ago.

This is a much more likely scenario than our Darwin-obsessed so-called scientist brothers hypothesis.

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