Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Evolution is on the ropes

Okay, this is it. Evolution is on the ropes. There are some major blows that evolution has taken recently that spell doom for the 2nd largest religion on earth (Atheistic Darwinism).

1. DNA - This was a major blow to evolution. Despite what Darwinian scientists like to tell you, there is NO evidence of a single specie giving rise to another specie. The only things they can do is show examples that have plenty of room for supposition and assumption.

2. The Coelocanth - Finding this creature really upset the apple cart. The Coelocanth was supposed to have lived during the same time that dinosaurs (supposedly) lived. These fish, according to Darwinian scientists, are contemporaries of Dinosaurs. yet, amazingly they still exist. This shows TWO things. #1. The time scale is all wrong. #2. The creature never evolved even slightly over the last 65 million years. The living specimens are exactly the same as the old fossils. Here is a fact! The commonly held (by Darwinian scientists) view of the so-called geologic time-scale is NOT ACCURATE. This is NOT taught in schools. Schools indoctrinate people to believe that the Darwinian Philosophy of Materialism is the only truth, when in fact it is a blatant lie.

3. Hell Creek Fossils - Finding soft tissue in a bone that was supposed to have been buried for 65 million years (at least) really destroys the time scale presented by Darwinists. Just like the Coelocanth above, this fact NUKES the bazillions and bazillions of years time scale espoused by devout Darwinian Scientists.

4. Polystrate trees - These trees cut through many layers of rock, proving the layers were deposited in a hurry, not over billions of years.

5. Fossils in sedimentary rock - Almost all (really ALL) fossils are found in sedimentary rock. Even an amateur scientist like me knows that sedimentary rock is deposited by water. So, the fact that fossils are found in sedimentary rock instead of igneous or metamorphic rock is telling. It shows that at some point in the past many living things were covered by water. Fossils are found all over the world. Thus we have yet another proof that a worldwide flood occurred. Scientists, however, won't even consider the possibility. They will gladly tell you that certain areas of the world we now know were once covered by water, but they will always refer to them as oceans or rivers.

Darwinism is down, but not out. As long as faithful Darwinian apologists are hard at work, and our universities and academies are still controlled by them, the as-yet-unproven "theory" of (macro) evolution will remain hanging around like an unburied corpse.

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