Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Evolutionary crock! Example!!


 Look at this. Here is an EXCELLENT example of the problems with evolution. This article (from Popular Science) is assumptions a go go! Let's get straight into it. (here is the article, with my commentary added in brackets). Also, I will bold all those premises that are based on pure ASSUMPTIONS!: A lot of the debate about when modern humans became modern humans has to do with the head--when our brains evolved into the functional equivalent of that of modern mankind. But while that particular argument continues, a team of UK researchers using a new kind of statistical technique have analyzed ancient footprints at a site in Tanzania and found that if our feet are allowed to tell the tale, our early ancestors were becoming human-like as much as two million years earlier than we previously thought. [In other words their previous assumptions have been changed by new assumptions] The study relies on eleven well-preserved footprints at the Laetoli site in Tanaznia that the researchers subjected to a new statistical technique derived from methods used in functional brain imaging. Using this technique, they created 3-D average of the 11 prints there, comparing them with data obtained from the study of modern humans and living great apes. The researchers also used computer simulations to model a variety of gaits--and the footprints they would have produced--for the likely maker of the Laetoli prints, a species known as Australopithecus afarensis. It was previously thought that this ancestor walked crouched over, putting pressure on the side of the foot and pushing off from the middle, like a modern ape. [How do they know what creature made the prints? They assume, of course. They also assume that it walked crouched over. Based on what?] Instead, they found through their simulations and the comparisons enabled by their 3-D statistical analysis that Australopithecus afarensis very likely walked upright in a bipedal manner, more like modern humans than previous studies suggested. [Again, one assumption nukes another.] Most previous work in the field suggests that the upright, bipedal gait didn’t emerge in human ancestors until about 1.9 million years ago, in early Homo. The Laetoli tracks date to about 3.7 million years, effectively doubling the amount of time that early human-like species may have walked upright. [None of these time frames are verifiably accurate. They are all based on assumptions about the geologic time scale.] That, of course, paints a drastically different picture of early human history. It was humans’ ancestors’ ability to leave the trees and walk and/or run over long distances that enabled humans to eventually expand out of Africa and populate the world. If the Laetoli analysis is correct, our ancestors were stepping out with a very modern foot function far earlier than we thought. [None of that garbage about "leaving the trees" is verifiably accurate. It is all an assumption based on previous assumptions and speculation.] Also, take a look at the accompanying photo which shows a recreation of an Australopithecus Afarensis. Setting aside the fact that they have no earthly clue what creature actually made the tracks (other than an ancient human), look how the creature is shown. It is shown as half human half ape. What is this based on? This...

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