Sunday, October 17, 2010

Why doesn't God heal amputees? responses

A while back I saw a video that asked "Why doesn't God heal amputees?". The maker of the video thought he was VERY clever indeed. He thought he had released some real stumpers. Infact, he boasts that these questions can't be answered. Wrong. You can read the answers after the video. First take a look at the video...

Q1: Why doesn't God heal amputees?

A: You mean, make the leg grow back? And you accuse us of being un-scientific. Obviously God COULD do that, but he never has. I’m pretty sure he never will. If all Christian amputee’s limbs magically grew back, everyone would immediately convert, wouldn't they? Do you really think God is just a cosmic vending machine? Put in a prayer coin and out comes a miracle? He is well above that. There is a matter of faith involved here, that you would never allow yourself to understand. Furthermore, all answered prayer is in accordance with the will and purpose of God. You cannot fully understand the mind of God any more than your pet can fully understand your mind.

Q2: Why are there so many starving people in the world?

A: Because Satan is the God of this world, and this is NOT Heaven. There is suffering on Earth because there is also evil on Earth.

Q3: Why does God demand the death of so many innocent people in the Bible?

A: The verses that you mentioned are not binding on all mankind at this time. At one time they were binding on the Hebrews. God chose a certain group of people; The Hebrews. The Old Testament records the spiritual journey of these people. It was through this line (the Jews) that God brought forth the eventual savior of humankind. Along the way God chastised, punished, rewarded and blessed these people. We as non-Hebrews (gentiles) are under the new covenant which was created by the death of Christ. It is referred to as the age of grace. We are not bound by the Hebrew laws (which could be pretty severe), but are set free from that through Christ’s shed blood.

Q4: Why does the Bible contain such anti-scientific nonsense?

A: That is a bit like asking, why do Science textbooks have such anti-religious nonsense? It is a loaded question. The Bible is a book about God revealing himself to mankind. It is as scientific as it NEEDS to be.

Q5: Why is God such a huge proponent of slavery in the Bible?

A: He isn’t. He is a huge proponent of obedience.

Q6: Why do bad things happen to good people?

A: See the answer to question 2.

Q7: Why didn’t any of Jesus miracles in the Bible leave behind any evidence?

A: He left behind a religion with over 3 billion adherents, and you ask for evidence of his existence? Besides, you would only explain such evidence away.

Q8: How do we explain the fact that Jesus has never appeared to you?

A: He does, every time I open my Bible. Also, there is the Holy Spirit. His presence can be felt.

Q9: Why would Jesus want you to eat his body and drink his blood?

A: It was a lesson in becoming one with him. That is why it is called communion. It is figurative. Amazingly this criticism has been leveled at Christians since ancient times by those ignorant of venerated Christian practices. Ancient Rome was particularly disgusted by the "incestuous cannibals" call Christians.

Q10: Why do Christians get divorced at the same rate as non-Christians?

A: Christians divorce for vastly different reasons than non-Christians. Non-Christian marriages often split due to incompatibility, or "irreconcilable differences". Christian marriage seldom split because of that. Studies show that Christian marriages break up mostly due to adultery, abuse (all forms), and abandonment. Also, Christians never cease being human. As humans we feel jealousy, make mistakes, make poor decisions, hurt each other sometimes, have financial difficulties, etc. Also, Christians are NOT sinless. And sometimes sin carries consequences. Like, perhaps, hurting your spouse beyond repair.

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