Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Something scarier than Bigfoot

Okay so Sasquatch makes for a good campfire tale. No more real than goblins or ghouls. But when camping... nothing is creepier than imagining a 7 foot tall man-ape creature spying on you from just beyond the campfire light. Somewhere in the woods. However, there is a creature that is just as scary as Bigfoot, and is REAL! Is it hairy all over? Check. Is it a night predator? Check. Is it deadly? Check. Is it huge? Check. Does it invade campsites? Check. What is it? Why a bear, of course! Each year hundreds of people are mauled and/or killed by bears. Most of them are campers (who no-doubt thought Bigfoot had just dropped by for a visit). But Bigfoot stories are more entertaining I guess. Here's a good bear story for you...

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