Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Blizzard/Blackout of 2021

A little over a month ago we suffered through a strange strange situation. It happened right around Valentines Day. It snowed. I mean it snowed a lot. It got super cold. It was fun at first. We made snow angels, built a snowman, threw snowballs, marveled at the incredible rareness of it all... and then the blackouts hit. During the coldest time in recent memory, all the electricity went out. It got down to 45 degrees INSIDE THE HOUSE. This lasted for 2 days. It was sure rough. But we survived. Seems the blame lies at the feet of ERCOT (Energy Renewal Commission Of Texas). They just decided in order to “save the grid” that certain parts of the city and state would have their power cut, for extended periods of time. This inconvenienced millions of people, and endangered thousands. Some people even died. A very sad situation. When I think back on it there is a palpable sense of helplessness that looms heavy over what should have been a rather fun time. Heavy snowfall in south Texas... a rare event, was made hellish by bureaucrats in suits trying save a few dollars. Since then some of those autocrats have stepped down. Good riddance. Next time, maybe they won’t turn off essential services right when we need them most!

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