Monday, July 11, 2016

What kind of nut would vote for Hillary??

Hillary Clinton represents everything that's wrong with American politics. Quite possibly she represents everything that's wrong with all politics. Corruption greed selfishness blind ambition and O extreme megalomania that drives her. If she wins the  presidency it will be a dark dark time for the United States. Already were seeing the bitter fruit of having a leftist as the president. Obama has driven this country to the brink of self immolation in the name of the progressive is him. Which is nothing more than taking the traditional values that America holds dear  and tossing them into the mud. Hillary would take that to the next level. Our only hope in November is to vote for Donald Trump. Well not the perfect candidate, he is a fine candidate in that he is not part of the monstrous political machine that has  produced a staggering amount of debt and division in this country the good and decent Americans that represent the mainstream have been marginalized so awful under the last current administration Obama that it's teetering on the edge of chaos.  Obama has the dubious distinction of giving rise to two very destructive organizations under his watch. One was Isys. And the other is the black lives matter movement. Both of which are driven by one goal to destroy America. Hillary would continue this downward trend into the muck.  She is not running because she wants to make America better she's running because she wants to make herself president. That's it. It's blind ambition. Donald Trump is running because he can't stand seeing what's happening to this country. He doesn't need to run for president is already a billionaire. He has his ambition is carried him to the heights of success. He doesn't need the presidency. Whereas Hillary that's all she's got.

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