Monday, July 11, 2016

Can't we all just get along?

Here we are in 2016 and race relations have never been worse. WRONG! We are experiencing racial division and conflict sure, but it has been worse. Or at least just as bad in the past. This Time magazine cover is from 1966. It looks like it could be from right now, 50 years later.

So what happened? Hasn't the black community experienced inclusion and equality for the last 100 plus years? Yep. So, what is wrong? I'll tell you...

Not to over simplify things, but unfortunately the black community as a whole has sold their collective soul to the Democrat party. They have been one of the Democrats most loyal constituents for decades now. How much progress have they made? Not much.

The Democrat party has created a large group of dependent victims out of many in the black community. They are in essence stuck on a virtual reservation. This reservation is crime ridden, drug ravaged, and impoverished. These people are stuck in there.

Instead of self determination, they PROTEST. Who are they protesting? Whites? Police? The system? Yet time after miserable time they vote for Democrats who suppress them and keep them needy so as to have a built in voting block. How selfish.

How about those Italians? How about those Asians? How about those Jewish folks? These are all minorities who are NOT on a virtual reservation.

There will NEVER be peace in the black community until they abandon the Democrat party, ditch the victim mentality, and become self-determined!!!


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