Thursday, July 21, 2016

The top 10 conspiracy theories debunked!

Here are 5 crazy conspiracy theories that can be debunked. These are in no particular order.

1. Faked Moon landing. Listen, we landed on the moon. Period. There is so much evidence to support this fact that it is almost laughable if it wasn't so sad to think that some people actually think it was all faked. It is one of the most documented events in human history. Even the Russians, who would LOVE to debunk the Moon landings know, and admit it was genuine.









2. Flat Earth. As if thinking we never landed on the moon wasn't stupid enough, here come the flat Earth people. Its a globe. This is so easily documented that it requires either brain damage or willful ignorance to believe otherwise.








3. JFK assassination. While I will grant you that Oswald may have been manipulated by shadowy people who egged him on, there was only ONE gunman in Dealey Plaza that sad November day in 1963 and that gunman was Lee Harvey Oswald. Am I saying I believe in a conspiracy? Well, I'm saying a conspiracy is "possible". But the notion there was a hit team, or a gunman on the grassy knoll or whatever is ludicrous.







4. 9/11 as an inside job. This one is very dumb. I've even read some people claim that it was a UFO laser strike. REALLY? Talk about fringe B.S. I mean look at it, the left wants us to believe that on one hand George W. Bush is an incompetent clown, but on the other hand, is a criminal mastermind able to pull of the single greatest crime in history in full view of the world, cameras, forensics, eye-witnesses, not to mention the THOUSANDS of co-conspirators who would have to also be in on the plot. Possibility? Nope. There are people who actually claim that all the footage of the 2nd plane hitting the tower were faked. Uh.. please. They claim that it was missile strikes, smaller planes, or even NO PLANES. Right. I'm sure there was some shady stuff going on but NOTHING on the level of what the so-called 9/11 truthers claim. If anything people were trying to cover their asses to shift blame, move money around, or hide some backroom deals. But to claim that ALL the hijackers are still alive, there were no people on the planes, the buildings were wired to blow up beforehand, thermite was used, or that no planes were involved is asinine.





5. Global warming. The sun causes global warming. It is cyclical. We have very little or NOTHING to do with it. It is all a method the leftists and communists use to control the populace. That, and nothing more.


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