Saturday, July 9, 2016

Hate and bullets

 This is just a couple of days removed from the horrible events in Dallas Texas where some nut ex military guy African-American opened up sniper style on a peaceful demonstration and killed five cops and wounded a whole bunch of others. The protest that was taking place was because of two black men who were killed by white cops. Of course it was run all over the media so as to inflame the black population a lot of whom do not work so they have a lot of extra time to become inflamed. Some in the black population flew into a frenzy of anger toward white people in general and white cops specifically. Why this is going on in my country I have no idea but I suspect it has something to do with Barack Obama's presidency. I have noticed that since he became president some African-American people, black people, have been up in arms thinking they're above the law. Many of them act like they are above the law because one of their own as the president. Now these are the ignorant fools that think that. But apparently there's a surprising amount of them. Which leaves us with a situation where there's blood in the streets. And hate crimes against different people of different races and different religions going on. And it seems like the most beleaguered group right now is the white man. Especially the Christian white man. For some reason he is being singled out and targeted as the root of all negative world problems.  So what's going to happen? I don't know. But the black community needs to get back to work. They need to police their own society and community. And They need to stop allowing criminal thugs to define who they are. It's counterproductive to decry systemic violence, and then behave violently. They have asked, demanded and received everything they wanted. Still no peace. The number one offender is the music they listen to. It's horrible! This cop killer will be celebrated now within the rap culture. The hip-hop gang mentality culture will praise this guy and other anti-cop people for their actions and their fight for so-called "justice". Oh my goodness.

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