Thursday, July 21, 2016

The story of David and Goliath is pretty awesome


Image result for david and goliath oldest written account 

Well, that escalated quickly.

 So the story goes...

 David, a shepherd boy stepped up (when no one else would) and killed Goliath, a 9 foot tall loud-mouthed giant, using nothing but a slingshot and some stones. The stone stunned Goliath long enough for David to decapitate him with his own sword. I'm quite sure the Philistines were pretty disappointed. No telling how many warriors Goliath had killed in his day. Needless to say it was a big victory and the ultimate underdog story. It is pretty cool to see all the art that this event has inspired over the centuries. Let's look at some examples.

This one is cool. It shows a charging Goliath. According to the account found in the Bible. Goliath was standing still when he got hit with the stone. Anyway, makes for a cool picture though. Image result for David and goliath

Here is a dark and foreboding version with an awesome visual angle. David is giving thanks to God for his victory. No other people are shown.

This old picture accurately shows what Goliath was doing immediately before being hit by the stone. Being a big jerk basically. David really taught him a valuable lesson, eh?  Image result for David and goliath

I've heard of artistic license but this is kind of over doing it a bit. This Goliath is either WAY taller than 9 feet or David is less than 2 feet tall.Image result for David and goliath

Same as above. Here is a massively oversized Goliath.Image result for David and goliath

This one is about right. The sizes are good. Shows David about to give Goliath the coup de gras. The stone permanently stuck in Goliath's forehead is a good touch.Image result for David and goliath 

For a deep dive into this event, check the following website link. Lots of info there.

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