Thursday, July 21, 2016

The top 10 conspiracy theories debunked!

Here are 5 crazy conspiracy theories that can be debunked. These are in no particular order.

1. Faked Moon landing. Listen, we landed on the moon. Period. There is so much evidence to support this fact that it is almost laughable if it wasn't so sad to think that some people actually think it was all faked. It is one of the most documented events in human history. Even the Russians, who would LOVE to debunk the Moon landings know, and admit it was genuine.









2. Flat Earth. As if thinking we never landed on the moon wasn't stupid enough, here come the flat Earth people. Its a globe. This is so easily documented that it requires either brain damage or willful ignorance to believe otherwise.








3. JFK assassination. While I will grant you that Oswald may have been manipulated by shadowy people who egged him on, there was only ONE gunman in Dealey Plaza that sad November day in 1963 and that gunman was Lee Harvey Oswald. Am I saying I believe in a conspiracy? Well, I'm saying a conspiracy is "possible". But the notion there was a hit team, or a gunman on the grassy knoll or whatever is ludicrous.







4. 9/11 as an inside job. This one is very dumb. I've even read some people claim that it was a UFO laser strike. REALLY? Talk about fringe B.S. I mean look at it, the left wants us to believe that on one hand George W. Bush is an incompetent clown, but on the other hand, is a criminal mastermind able to pull of the single greatest crime in history in full view of the world, cameras, forensics, eye-witnesses, not to mention the THOUSANDS of co-conspirators who would have to also be in on the plot. Possibility? Nope. There are people who actually claim that all the footage of the 2nd plane hitting the tower were faked. Uh.. please. They claim that it was missile strikes, smaller planes, or even NO PLANES. Right. I'm sure there was some shady stuff going on but NOTHING on the level of what the so-called 9/11 truthers claim. If anything people were trying to cover their asses to shift blame, move money around, or hide some backroom deals. But to claim that ALL the hijackers are still alive, there were no people on the planes, the buildings were wired to blow up beforehand, thermite was used, or that no planes were involved is asinine.





5. Global warming. The sun causes global warming. It is cyclical. We have very little or NOTHING to do with it. It is all a method the leftists and communists use to control the populace. That, and nothing more.


The top 10 reasons I am a Republican

These are in no particular order of importance.

01. Smaller government.
02. Patriotism
03. Tax reform
04. No catering to special interests
05. Pro family
06. Anti-abortion
07. Pro-Christian
08. Pro-military/veterans
09. Pro-death-penalty
10. Immigration reform/border security

Find me a democrat that supports all this (or hell even half of this) and I'll consider supporting him/her too. PinMart Republican Elephant Patriotic Political Lapel Pin:  Jewelry

The story of David and Goliath is pretty awesome


Image result for david and goliath oldest written account 

Well, that escalated quickly.

 So the story goes...

 David, a shepherd boy stepped up (when no one else would) and killed Goliath, a 9 foot tall loud-mouthed giant, using nothing but a slingshot and some stones. The stone stunned Goliath long enough for David to decapitate him with his own sword. I'm quite sure the Philistines were pretty disappointed. No telling how many warriors Goliath had killed in his day. Needless to say it was a big victory and the ultimate underdog story. It is pretty cool to see all the art that this event has inspired over the centuries. Let's look at some examples.

This one is cool. It shows a charging Goliath. According to the account found in the Bible. Goliath was standing still when he got hit with the stone. Anyway, makes for a cool picture though. Image result for David and goliath

Here is a dark and foreboding version with an awesome visual angle. David is giving thanks to God for his victory. No other people are shown.

This old picture accurately shows what Goliath was doing immediately before being hit by the stone. Being a big jerk basically. David really taught him a valuable lesson, eh?  Image result for David and goliath

I've heard of artistic license but this is kind of over doing it a bit. This Goliath is either WAY taller than 9 feet or David is less than 2 feet tall.Image result for David and goliath

Same as above. Here is a massively oversized Goliath.Image result for David and goliath

This one is about right. The sizes are good. Shows David about to give Goliath the coup de gras. The stone permanently stuck in Goliath's forehead is a good touch.Image result for David and goliath 

For a deep dive into this event, check the following website link. Lots of info there.

Blaine playing Baseball

Riding my bike!

Bill Mallonee and the vigilantes of love

Between the should-have-beens and why-nots lies Bill Mallonee. Bill used to front a band, Vigilantes of Love, through the '90s to the early 2000s. VOL came close to breaking through several times, but it never quite happened. Now he’s in his mid-50s, and the mainstream music industry has passed him by. Bill still writes and records at a ferocious pace and recently put out the 50th album of his 22-year career.” Charles Fox

Monday, July 11, 2016

What kind of nut would vote for Hillary??

Hillary Clinton represents everything that's wrong with American politics. Quite possibly she represents everything that's wrong with all politics. Corruption greed selfishness blind ambition and O extreme megalomania that drives her. If she wins the  presidency it will be a dark dark time for the United States. Already were seeing the bitter fruit of having a leftist as the president. Obama has driven this country to the brink of self immolation in the name of the progressive is him. Which is nothing more than taking the traditional values that America holds dear  and tossing them into the mud. Hillary would take that to the next level. Our only hope in November is to vote for Donald Trump. Well not the perfect candidate, he is a fine candidate in that he is not part of the monstrous political machine that has  produced a staggering amount of debt and division in this country the good and decent Americans that represent the mainstream have been marginalized so awful under the last current administration Obama that it's teetering on the edge of chaos.  Obama has the dubious distinction of giving rise to two very destructive organizations under his watch. One was Isys. And the other is the black lives matter movement. Both of which are driven by one goal to destroy America. Hillary would continue this downward trend into the muck.  She is not running because she wants to make America better she's running because she wants to make herself president. That's it. It's blind ambition. Donald Trump is running because he can't stand seeing what's happening to this country. He doesn't need to run for president is already a billionaire. He has his ambition is carried him to the heights of success. He doesn't need the presidency. Whereas Hillary that's all she's got.

Why I'm voting for Trump

There are several reasons why I'm voting for Donald Trump.
Number one the Supreme Court justices he will nominate.
Number two he has a business background can fix our economic mess.
Number three he's tired of America being weak and perceived as week.
Number four  he has good character in spite of what the media tells you.
Number five he's a political outsider. Tired of these career politicians ruining our country fair
Number six he will surround himself with the best of the best. And
Number seven he is a success. He will demand success.
Number eight he's not Hillary Clinton. The Clintons need to go away once and for all. There is no good reason to give Bill Clinton a third term!

Yes just think, God forbid, if Hillary should win the presidency... for the first time in history there will be two presidents at one time. Think about it. Bill Clinton is still an American president S you will have: madam President Hillary Clinton, sharing the White House with Mr. President Bill Clinton in his third term.


Izzy's gig at Burlington's

Izzy started working at Burlington's today. She is out at the 281 location. She wants to keep it as a second job. More power to her!!!

Giants and Nephilim

All over the creationist websites one can easily find numerous mentions of the so called Nephilim. This is one of their favorite terms. Why? Cuz it sounds so darn cool. Also, because of its undetermined meaning. It if often translated "GIANTS". Yep, giants. Oh boy. The Bible mentions giants. It really does. The most famous "giant" was Goliath of Gath. He's the huge man who was killed by King David. It is erroneously repeated that he was killed by a stone slung by a slingshot, but that isn't what killed him. The stone stunned him. What killed him was David beheaded him.

This painting is about to get it right. Except the shield is in the way.

The Bible says that Goliath was over 9 feet tall. Although some traditions put him at a more pedestrian 6'8". Which is still pretty big. Irregardless he is described as huge, and a lot bigger and more fully armed than David. It is an example of God using a "weaker" vessel to slay an apparently superior foe. This would have resonated with ancient Israel. In fact it resonates with all humans to this day as a metaphor for overcoming huge odds.

So was Goliath a Nephilim? No. He was an Anakim, or Anakite. The Nephilim lived BEFORE the flood.

Now it is a fact that NEPHILIM can be translated as giants. That's true. But I think it refers to all gigantic living things. Not just people. In fact I think this refers to dinosaurs, and other large pre-flood creatures (including huge humans).

Here is EVERY SINGLE reference to Nephilim in the Bible. All TWO of them:

Genesis 6:4
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

Numbers 13:33
We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.”

Yes, I believe that the Nephilim were huge creatures that lived before the flood and enjoyed extended life and increased growth. Post flood there were giants, but I believe they were abnormal and mutated people. One of them is mentioned to have had 6 fingers and 6 toes. This implies genetic mutation. The Bible refers to some of these people as Rephaim. There is a King named Og of Bashan who is said to have had a huge bed, implying he was nearly 9 feet tall.

But back to that Nephilim as dinosaurs notion. I have heard no one say that but me, and yet it makes perfect sense. In fact in the scripture above, Genesis 6:4, replace "Nephilim" with "Dinosaurs" and see that it reads just fine.

Thought provoking stuff eh?

Can't we all just get along?

Here we are in 2016 and race relations have never been worse. WRONG! We are experiencing racial division and conflict sure, but it has been worse. Or at least just as bad in the past. This Time magazine cover is from 1966. It looks like it could be from right now, 50 years later.

So what happened? Hasn't the black community experienced inclusion and equality for the last 100 plus years? Yep. So, what is wrong? I'll tell you...

Not to over simplify things, but unfortunately the black community as a whole has sold their collective soul to the Democrat party. They have been one of the Democrats most loyal constituents for decades now. How much progress have they made? Not much.

The Democrat party has created a large group of dependent victims out of many in the black community. They are in essence stuck on a virtual reservation. This reservation is crime ridden, drug ravaged, and impoverished. These people are stuck in there.

Instead of self determination, they PROTEST. Who are they protesting? Whites? Police? The system? Yet time after miserable time they vote for Democrats who suppress them and keep them needy so as to have a built in voting block. How selfish.

How about those Italians? How about those Asians? How about those Jewish folks? These are all minorities who are NOT on a virtual reservation.

There will NEVER be peace in the black community until they abandon the Democrat party, ditch the victim mentality, and become self-determined!!!


Saturday, July 9, 2016

Hate and bullets

 This is just a couple of days removed from the horrible events in Dallas Texas where some nut ex military guy African-American opened up sniper style on a peaceful demonstration and killed five cops and wounded a whole bunch of others. The protest that was taking place was because of two black men who were killed by white cops. Of course it was run all over the media so as to inflame the black population a lot of whom do not work so they have a lot of extra time to become inflamed. Some in the black population flew into a frenzy of anger toward white people in general and white cops specifically. Why this is going on in my country I have no idea but I suspect it has something to do with Barack Obama's presidency. I have noticed that since he became president some African-American people, black people, have been up in arms thinking they're above the law. Many of them act like they are above the law because one of their own as the president. Now these are the ignorant fools that think that. But apparently there's a surprising amount of them. Which leaves us with a situation where there's blood in the streets. And hate crimes against different people of different races and different religions going on. And it seems like the most beleaguered group right now is the white man. Especially the Christian white man. For some reason he is being singled out and targeted as the root of all negative world problems.  So what's going to happen? I don't know. But the black community needs to get back to work. They need to police their own society and community. And They need to stop allowing criminal thugs to define who they are. It's counterproductive to decry systemic violence, and then behave violently. They have asked, demanded and received everything they wanted. Still no peace. The number one offender is the music they listen to. It's horrible! This cop killer will be celebrated now within the rap culture. The hip-hop gang mentality culture will praise this guy and other anti-cop people for their actions and their fight for so-called "justice". Oh my goodness.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Bike Riding = true love!

The other day I rode my bike 20 miles. I usually ride 10 miles or so. I love it. I usually ride at Fox Park Trailhead. Sometimes I do Hardberger Park, or Grissom Road Trailhead. Love it!!!!


I have been slack

I need to be in the habit of posting info here more frequently. At least in the summer. When I have more time.

I am into riding bike, and pre-history at this time. Recently went thru another Shakespeare phase, which was excellent this time.

Musically I just exited a Graham Parker phase and have shifted somewhat into a Elvis Costello phase (which is already waning). I might be sampling other stuff tomorrow. The Clash maybe? I don't know.

I am playing quite a bit of golf too right now with Dad. Mostly on Tuesday mornings, but the days are very very hot right now.

That's that for now...
