Friday, March 25, 2011

Things I find intolerable!

Being a human means having to put up with a lot of annoying things on a daily basis. Here is a list of some things that I absolutely can't tolerate. By the way, they are NOT in order!

broken bones
getting out of the shower in the cold
showering in cold water
waiting for service/food in a restaurant
rude customer service
rude drivers
being late
being early
people who think they know everything, but don't
people who aren't very smart, but think they are geniuses
my chin
my gut
when pretty women have NO calf muscle definition
people who don't follow through with a promise
"I forgot" as an excuse
having to say "I'm just kidding" when people don't understand my sardonic wit
explaining what sardonic means
people who tell you the surprise ending of a movie or show
brussel sprouts
calling parents (I'm a teacher)
a wasted opportunity
slow drivers
men's bare feet (especially when I'm about to dine)
waking up early for work
entering a crowded room late (the grand entrance)
obese people
rap music
getting painted into a corner
pressure sales pitch
when people who came into the restaurant after me get serviced before me
sweating in bed
people who talk in a group just to hear themselves speak
dumb questions (Yes, there ARE dumb questions. Plenty of them.)
kids who refuse to work (I'm a teacher)

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