Thursday, March 3, 2011

Shakespeare ROCKS!!

Anyone who hasn't seen a good Shakespeare play is really cheating themselves out of some top flight entertainment. My favorite Shakespeare plays are as follows:

#01. Richard III
#02. Macbeth
#03. Hamlet
#04. The Tempest
#05. Julius Caesar
#06. Richard II
#07. The Merry Wives of Windsor
#08. The Merchant of Venice
#09. Othello
#10. King Lear

While there are some good parts, and characters, I never cared much for Romeo & Juliet. Same with Midsummer Night's dream. Alls Well That Ends Well is good, but I prefer my Shakespeare actiony and violent.

For a good intro to Shakespeare may I suggest the Animated tales. They are short and sweet and present Shakespeare in all his macabre majesty.

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