Monday, September 6, 2021

Springsteen’s Worst Songs

The guy has written around 400 songs. Only 16 of them are not-so-good (in my opinion). Here they are.

 Bruce Springsteen’s worst songs:

  1. Queen Of The Supermarket - OK music but really dumb lyrics. Using mundane terms that feel incongruous in a pop song and then finishing it off with a needless vulgar word just makes it a stink-fest for me.
  2. Reno - again the music is OK, but the lyrics are horrid. It vividly describes an encounter in a motel room with a prostitute. Complete with X-rated lyrics about anal sex. I can’t believe he ever released it.
  3. This Depression - As the title of this song might suggest the song is very depressing. It’s about being depressed. And the music is equally depressing. The whole thing is just depressing. So avoid this.
  4. You Got It - This song is just lame. It’s not clever it’s not catchy… it’s just lame.
  5. My Best Was Never Good Enough - This song could have been cute. But he decided to add some vulgarities and it’s basically going nowhere fast. It’s a pointless little ditty that doesn’t need to exist.
  6. Pony Boy - This little throwaway ditty was tacked onto the end of human touch. It has the dubious honor of being the worst song on his worst album. Personally I like human touch, but this song just seems like a waste of time. It seems like something sung to toddlers but not something you would choose to release on an album. Incredible to think that the same guy that wrote “streets of fire” wrote this.
  7. This is your Sword - This song sounds like a third rate advertisement jingle. The kind of song you hear in a car commercial. It’s just lame.
  8. Hunter Of Invisible Game - I’m sorry but this song is just BORING. 
  9. Working On A Dream - Here’s another song that sounds like some kind of ad jingle. It just doesn’t reach me. Same guy that wrote “Backstreets” wrote this?
  10. Harry’s Place - The whole song is not very good to begin with, and it’s marred by several vulgarity’s scattered throughout. No need for that Bruce! And most of all no need for this song.
  11. Let’s Be Friends - This is Bruce getting in touch with his inner Taylor Swift. Even when he wrote a song back in the old days for Donna Summer it had spine. This is some kind of Pop monstrosity. It should’ve never seen the light of day. Unless it had been covered by some third-rate boy band maybe.
  12. Outlaw Pete - Plodding lumbering song about some kind of an outlaw or something. With a twist ending that is too dull or obscure to really matter. It is a bit like a harkening back to his early days. But it’s not nearly as interesting as his early days. And it goes on WAY too long.
  13. Hey Blue Eyes - another very mediocre song with pornographic lyrics and vulgarity. All mumbled over an extremely uninteresting musical background. What bothers me is not that Bruce released this embarrassment, it’s that he doesn’t feel embarrassed by releasing it.
  14. Swallowed Up In The Belly Of The Whale - This song is simply lame. I literally fell asleep as he sang the words “I fell asleep…”. He’s trying so desperately to seem profound… It has an uninteresting tune, it has uninteresting lyrics and it’s basically just boringly uninteresting all together. Tom Waits had a better song with a somewhat similar idea. Bruce just sounds like he is about to pass out from sheer boredom. We’ve been swallowed up in the belly of the whale? Speak for yourself Bruce.
  15. Down In The Hole - again, it’s just boring. Also the production leaves something to be desired. Construction sounds in the background. A kid choir saying la La La. It isn’t rock, it isn’t country, it isn’t folk… it just… isn’t… good.
  16. Heaven’s Wall - Raise your hand if this feels like a generic song! First of all the meaning is too obscure. Seems like it’s set in the Holy Land. Maybe? Production tries too hard. Tom Morello and Springsteen go together like peanut butter and onions. The guitar “playing” sucks!
Well there you have it… the worst of the worst. Bruce has lesser songs but these to me are the ones that literally suck. Which hurts me to say. But all great artists have their downside. These songs are the ones I consider the downside for Bruce. Almost every other song and his catalog besides these I can live with and find some value in. But not these.

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