Monday, September 6, 2021

Letter To You - Bruce Springsteen (album review)

Letter To You album review

  1. One Minute You’re Here" (2:57) Sounds kind of like a Tom Joad outtake. Very soft and introspective. Great song. Music-performance = A+ / Lyrics = A+ / Production = A+ / Vocals = A+ (5 stars)
  2. "Letter To You” (4:55) The lead single is a great midtempo number. Music-performance = A++ / Lyrics = A+ / Production = A++ / Vocals = A+ (5 stars)
  3. "Burnin’ Train" (4:03) A churning rocker! Great song. Music-performance = A++ / Lyrics = A / Production = A++ / Vocals = A (5 stars)
  4. "Janey Needs a Shooter" (6:49) Nearly perfect redone version of the song we all know. Except it’s “Janey Needs A Shooter now!” Instead of needs a shooter JACK! (Not a huge fan of the change, to be honest. ) An incredible rock song! Music-performance = A+ / Lyrics = A / Production = A++ / Vocals = A+ (5 stars)
  5. "Last Man Standing" (4:05) A great piano led midtempo song about the Castiles (Bruce’s first band), and how all of them are now gone but Bruce. Sobering thought, eh? Music-performance = A++ / Lyrics = A+ / Production = A++ / Vocals = A+ (5 stars)
  6. "The Power of Prayer" (3:36) Nice midtempo song about you know what. Spiritual but not “religious”. Very catchy. Should be a hit! Music-performance = A++ / Lyrics = A / Production = A++ / Vocals = A+ (5 stars)
  7. "House of a Thousand Guitars" (4:30) Though marred by a lame totally-out-of-place lyric about a “criminal clown” stealing the throne (Trump Derangement Syndrome),  which I edited out, this song is actually great!! Though for a song talking about a thousand guitars, there is a lot of piano here!! It’s fine though. Somehow it works. Music-performance = A++ / Lyrics = A- / Production = A++ / Vocals = A (4 stars)
  8. "Rainmaker" (4:56) Neat song about putting faith in charlatans and their self-serving lies. Bruce accidentally summed up the appeal of Obama quite well. By the way Obama was referred to as a rainmaker sometimes. The Democrats in the media claim it sums up Trump but I think it fits Obama better. Music-performance = A++ / Lyrics = A / Production = A++ / Vocals = A+ (5 stars)
  9. "If I Was the Priest" (6:50) Good version but a more restrained vocal would have been even better. It’s like Bruce is doing an impression of a guy doing an impersonation of a guy trying to sing like Bruce Springsteen. Still it’s a very cool song. Music-performance = A++ / Lyrics = A- / Production = A++ / Vocals = B+ (4 stars)
  10. "Ghosts” (5:54) Great great rousing song! Drums sound great (as on all the album)! Music-performance = A++ / Lyrics = A / Production =A++ / Vocals = A+ (5 stars)
  11. "Song for Orphans" (6:13) Good version! Really solid! Music-performance = A++ / Lyrics = A / Production = A++ / Vocals = A (5 stars)
  12. "I’ll See You in My Dreams" (3:29) excellent song! Its about the friends (and family) he’s lost along the way. Should be a hit! Music-performance = A++ / Lyrics = A+ / Production = A++ / Vocals = A+ (5 stars)

All in all it’s a nearly perfect album!!

Music/performance = A++

Lyrics = A- (too much Trump stuff)

Production =A++

Vocals = A+

Sequencing = A

Overall = A+ (5 stars)

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