Sunday, May 23, 2021

5 Reasons Rap Stinks

Anyone who knows me knows I DETEST RAP.

So here are the top 5 reasons why I think rap sucks.

5. It is demeaning to women. “Are You Listening? Misogyny in Rap Music and What It Means for Women in Society”

4. It perpetuates a negative image of black people. “How Hip-Hop Holds Blacks back”.

3. Too much profanity, cursing, and other foul language.

2. It doesn’t require talent. Skill maybe, but not talent.

1. It encourages greed, sensuality, and rebellion. 

So I think I’ve made a compelling case that, yep... rap sucks. And before you go there... no it isn’t racial. I love the blues. Many blues artists are my true heroes. Most of them are African American. I love jazz. Many jazz luminaries are in fact black. I like a lot of rhythm and blues. I love Memphis soul. Furthermore, I can’t stand rap whether performed by black, white, Latino, or any other race. So NO, it isn’t racial at all. 

Bottom line: I don’t support chanting filthy and rebellious rhymes (what the left euphemistically call “socially conscious lyrics”) over samples and drum loops. I find it shallow, immature, stereotypical, controversial, confrontational, and vulgar.

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