Thursday, May 13, 2021

If we were right not left

I can imagine how different our society would be if the media was aligned politically to the right instead of to the left. 

Every facet of our society is relentlessly bombarded by a left-leaning perspective daily. Conservative ideas are also mocked and ridiculed by the leftist media every day. 

Our society’s fashion, music, movies, art, games, and news is all skewed to the left.

But what if it wasn’t?

There would be no one to incessantly remind African-Americans about all the terrible wrongs they have suffered in the past, and convince them there has been no progress with regard to race relations in America. Instead of being proud of the tough road they have traveled, they are emotionally manipulated to continue to believe that ideas and societal norms from 70 years ago are still in place. This is done so people can get rich off them by selling books, movies, music, and speeches that further perpetuate the narrative: whites hate blacks, blacks are suppressed by whitey, we must fight fight fight. 

There would be no one to impugn and denigrate the American flag or American exceptionalism. Kneeling during sports events to protest the flag or National Anthem would be unheard of.

There would be no one promoting victimhood over perseverance. Outcomes over opportunities. 

There would be no one to indoctrinate our youth into thinking the government should be a parent to its citizens.

Who would disarm us so we could be sitting ducks for thieves, murderers, and rapists (all of which would, of course, still have weapons)?

There would be no one to promulgate the narrative that all white people are privileged and racist.

There would be no one to extol the virtues of being an activist or protestor, over sacrificial giving and having a servant’s heart.

Cancel culture would be a scary concept lurking in the pages of some dystopian fiction, not ripped from daily headlines.

Yes, the generation living now are duped into thinking liberalism is good, conservatism is bad. They condemn and plan to deconstruct everything that made (makes) America the outstanding country that it miraculously still is. They tell us American exceptionalism is to blame for all problems. Our flag divides us. The old ways do not work. Up is down. Hot is cold.

We are on the same team. We have one country, one flag, one goal, and one purpose. We are here to live and let live, in peace, love, happiness, and joy.

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