Friday, June 22, 2018

Leftists make me sick: Immigration edition

The leftists make me sick. They act all passionate about the so-called inhumane treatment of immigrant children and yet they say nothing about the wanton slaughter of  babies in late term and partial birth abortions. Inhumane? How about the slaughter of children? Where is the outrage for that?  The reason there  is so much out rage from the leftists on this immigration issue is because it’s part of their desperate attempt to destroy America's borders and have us collapse from within. We are a country of laws. We have legally defined borders and we have laws protecting our borders. You don’t allow people to live in your house illegally, so why should we allow people to live in our country illegally?  Here’s a solution. All these leftists that are ringing their hands with fake guilt, maybe they could take in two or three of these families into their mansions. I’m sure they could house all of these illegal immigrants easily. They all have multiple acre compound mansions. Go ahead and lead by example leftists!! Take the immigrants into your home.


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