Monday, June 25, 2018

7 problems I have with the modern corporate church

The seven reasons I have all but abandoned the corporate church:

1. overpaid pastors. Many pastors today are millionaires. They make good money preaching the gospel. I believe it says something in the Bible about not profiting from the gospel. I could be wrong about that. 

2. Lukewarm congregations. Everyone goes in there to the church puts on their phony face and then when the church is over they all disperse back to their respective homes. There is no camaraderie, there’s no warmth... it’s all phony glad-handing plastic banana pseudo-friendliness 

3. They have abandoned the service mentality. The church's job is to help the community. Wherever there is a church, especially a big church, the surrounding community should be a zone of decency. Instead churches sit there isolated behind iron gates essentially functioning as a safe-zone for it’s overpriced preacher. 

4. Entertainment-centric. In the church today the primary goal is to “win the youth". That’s done by playing rock ‘n’ roll music or rap. Lots of instrumentation (especially drums), lots of music, a light show... all that mess. A church should be holy and set apart we are in the world but not of the world. And if I have to sit through another epic song where the self-righteous self-absorbed singer stands there with his acoustic guitar, eyes shut, singing "we love you Lord" for 25 minutes... I’m gonna eviscerate myself.

5. Go ask the church for help and see what happens. Some of them might help you. But it’s rare. It might be a smaller church that would help you. But go ask somebody in a mega church to help you. Better yet go to a mega church and try to talk to the pastor. He has an entourage, security guards, and he’ll act like he’s some kind a celebrity or something. What in the world is a celebrity pastor? Is there anything more horrible than that? 

6. It’s not just about the preaching or building a big church or receiving funds or tithing it’s about changing fundamentally the world around you for the sake of Christ. We also should show our Christianity not just talk about it. It says in the Bible they will know you are Christians by your love. But when I go to churches most of them are very cold and distant and nobody wants to commit. 

7. The political aspect. Yes the church is open to all political persuasions but how anyone could attend a church and be pro-choice, and pro-homosexual I’ll never know. Or how anyone could attend a church and be a leftist I don’t know. And yeah it happens a lot. Progressive liberal churches make me sick So too do the hyper-conservative right wing extremist churches. It’s very difficult. I see churches right now trying to make a living off of the church.

As more and more Christians fear taking a stand for what’s right, for fear of losing what they have in the name of Christ, the church becomes more and more lukewarm (neither hot nor cold). Just sort of there... and you know what Jesus said about that. I’m not saying we should all be activist churches but I’m saying we should be active churches. An active church is one that puts their money where their mouth is. These kind are few and far between nowadays. They are what is referred to as the “remnant”. It is what remains of the true church of God.

Here’s another couple of things. Do we really need special music? Do we really need Gertrude to stand up there and warble her way through some modern "devotional" song trying to drive a tear out of our eyes or get some sort of emotional reaction for her own personal pleasure? What is the point of sitting there and listening to some person, who wouldn't even get past the screening process on American Idol, ululating their way through some modernist Christian song designed to sound all holy-Joe, holier than thou,  Christ thy Lord with hollow sanctimoniousness?

Give me that old time religion!!!!!

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