Friday, May 11, 2012

God's Standard of Living

What is truth? Without an overarching authority figure, above and removed from the question at hand, how can anyone know the truth? One man's opinion is as valid as another's. The only way there can be absolute truth is to appeal to an authority figure that presides over the situation. This is the basis for government, and the justice system. An authority is set above the opinions of one individual. This then becomes "the truth". In matters of human nature, and human morality, who do we appeal to for such authority? The only one we CAN appeal to is God. He is the ultimate authority on matters of human morality and ethics. God, through the revelation of his word "The Bible", has given us clear guidelines to live by. In every society where the simple principles of God (and his son Jesus) have been adhered to without human deviation, or interpretation, that society has become a standard of peaceful, decent existence. So powerful are the ways of God over human existence, that when applied, there is peace and social harmony superior to societies based on humanistic principles.

We must, therefore, live according to God's standard of life. What is it? Here is God's standard of living as clearly as I can delineate it:

01. Don't hate other people.
02. Control your anger.
03. Treat other people the way you would want to be treated.
04. Do good deeds as often as possible, for no other reason than just because it is nice.
05. Control the words you say.
06. If you do not have anything nice to say about someone, say nothing at all.
07. Help the poor.
08. Help the elderly.
09. Don't lie.
10. Keep yourself sexually pure.
11. Control your thought life.
12. Let your conscience guide your decisions. Follow your moral compass.
13. Murder is out of the question.
14. Learn to forgive people.
15. Spend time communing with God.
16. Desire to be a good and obedient child of God.
17. Refrain from mischief.
18. Try to make other people smile as often as possible.
19. Don't be rude.
20. Never use foul language.
21. Don't be vengeful.
22. Kill your resentment.
23. Realize that this world owes you NOTHING!
24. Protect the weak from evildoers.
25. Say what you mean, and mean what you say.
26. Develop a passion for decency.
27. Be worthy of being trusted. Never betray someone's trust.
28. NEVER steal other people's things.
29. Never cause anger in another person.
30. Put other people's feelings above your own.

This is God's standard of living.

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