Thursday, May 17, 2012

Gay Pastor and Softball

Here is the PATHETIC headline:

"Pastor's sexuality splits Missouri church softball league"

Here is the REDICULOUS story:

The sexual orientation of a new pastor in a Missouri church softball league has put his team on the bench.

Rev. James Semmelroth Darnell, the 27-year-old pastor of St. John United Church of Christ in Saint Clair, told that pastors of three other churches in a local church softball league said their teams would no longer take the field against St. John after hearing rumors questioning Darnell’s sexuality. Rather than force the issue, St. John pulled out of the league.

Good for them.

“Three teams had issue with that and no longer wanted to play against our team since I am an out bisexual person,” Darnell told “And it’s surprising because I don’t even play, I have no affiliation with the league.”

That's hardly the point is it Mr. (or is it Mrs.) Darnell? The point is that YOU ARE OPENLY ENGAGING IN a lifestyle FORBIDDEN by the Bible. Rather than turning from your "lifestyle" and living within the boudaries set by God, you have identified yourself with it, and become an activist for your cause, which is to normalize the abnormal.

Darnell, who joined the church in October after completing seminary in Washington, D.C., said he anticipated his sexuality might lead to “some difficulty” in the town 45 miles west of St. Louis, but had no idea it would ultimately cause his church to quit the softball league.

Aw isn't it cute when these dumb ignorant churches have dust-ups over the old fashioned view that moral decency as ordained by God is required from his teachers.

“It’s very different than that nation’s capital, but I certainly didn’t expect this,” he said. “I don’t feel that anyone’s sexual orientation has anything to do with how they play softball or just to enjoy each other’s company during a game.”

He's right, he doesn't understand softball, or sports in general. You play to win, not "enjoy each others company".

Darnell said pastors at Bethel Baptist Church, Friendship Baptist Church and Liberty Baptist Church did not want their respective teams to compete against the team from Darnell’s church.

That is their right, I do believe.

The Rev. Ben Kingston, pastor of Bethel Baptist Church, could not be reached for comment, but he confirmed the news to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch while behind the plate during a game on Tuesday.

"We believe that God’s word speaks clearly about boundaries, and that lifestyle is outside of those boundaries,” Kingston told the newspaper.

I couldn't have put it better. Brilliantly said.

Darnell, for his part, said his sexuality will not affect his ability to lead his congregation off the field.

“I don’t think it will, because I’ve been able to go about doing the work of a pastor,” he said. “If it’s a distraction from that, we want to take a stand and say, ‘This shouldn’t be happening in this day and age.’”

Of course when he says "this day and age" he means the growing tolerance for sin in the modern day. Oh yes. Those old fuddy duddies of the past had their time. Those intolerant people from the past are gone now. This is a new age of tolerance, and enlightenment. Sorry dear friends. Homosexuality has never been normal, and never will be normal. It is a perversion and it must be controlled somehow by the sexually confused individual. We should NEVER under ANY circumstances hate or be mean to a homosexual person. But their so-called "lifestyle choice" is NOT acceptable now, and never will be. We must hate the sin, but love the sinner.

I pray thet Mr. Darnell will somehow be able to conquer his addiction to perverted sexual practices. Until then, he is an openly sinning pastor, and therefore not acceptable to the pastorate.

What is our world coming to? Where morality is so flexible as to be all about personal preference.

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