Sunday, March 11, 2012

Shakespeare authorship question

I tried to watch a movie last night. It was called "Anonymous". It portrays an alternate reality and attempts to make the case that the Earle of Oxford, Edward De Vere wrote all of Shakespeare's plays. Not Shakespeare. William Shakespeare was presented as an opportunistic low-brow uneducated actor, who seized his chance to put his name on De Vere's plays for the sake of helping De Vere stay unknown as a play writer (and of course to make money).

I turned it off.

Like those other maniacs who believe Kennedy was killed as the result of some massive cabal, we never went to the moon, 9/11 was an inside job, macro-evolution, and Jesus never lived, there are many who deny the fact that Shakespeare wrote his plays.

How dare they besmirch this literary giant who penned (literally) some of the most beautiful and influential work in all of English literature!

Derek Jacoby, who has made a career playing Shakespeare even sold his soul for money and showed his face on screen in "Anonymous". Some gratitude. He should be ashamed.

Did Shakespeare write his own plays?

The short answer is of course he did. But that wouldn't be informative.

First, who do people say wrote Shakespeare's plays other than Shakespeare? The most popular one among these wackos is Edward De Vere (Oxford). These weirdos are even called "Oxfordians". Ugh.

Another is Christopher Marlowe (Marlovians). Another is Francis Bacon (Baconians).

The historical evidence demonstrates that:
01. William Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon, was also William Shakespeare the player.
02. William Shakespeare the part owner of the Globe theatre.
03. William Shakespeare was the author of the plays and poems that bear his name.
04. NO PERSON of the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras ever doubted this.
05. No Elizabethan ever suggested that Shakespeare's plays and poems were written by someone else.
06. NO CONTEMPORARY of Shakespeare ever claimed that the player was not Shakespeare the author.
07. NO CONTEMPORARY of Shakespeare ever claimed that Shakespeare the part owner of The Globe Theatre was not Shakespeare of Stratford.
08. No contemporary of Shakespeare's ever suggested that the name used by the player, the Globe-sharer, or the author was a pseudonym.
09. None of the major alternative candidates -- not Francis Bacon, not the Earl of Oxford, not Christopher Marlowe -- had any connection with Shakespeare's acting company or with his friends and fellow actors.

The only thing that Anti-Shakespeare people must rely on is their snobbish belief that the playwrite SHOULD have been a certain way. The fact remain that ALL of the historical record points to Shakespeare as the author of his plays, and there is not a single shred of historical evidence to prove otherwise. It is all (as usual) supposition and assumption.

Also, a computer analysis was done a few years ago and the tests determined that Shakespeare's work shows consistent, countable, profile-fitting patterns, suggesting that he was a single individual, not a committee, and that he used fewer relative clauses and more hyphens, feminine endings, and run-on lines than the other writers with whom he was compared. The result determined that none of the other tested claimants' work could have been written by Shakespeare, nor could Shakespeare have been written by them, eliminating all of the claimants whose known works have survived—including Oxford, Bacon, and Marlowe—as the true authors of the Shakespeare canon. See---> this link <--- for more info.

Read the article found ---> HERE <--- and I believe you will see how ridiculous all this is.

Yes, Shakespeare wrote his plays. He was a gifted and talented man (unusually so). To try and foist off a different author as the one who wrote his plays is downright wrong (The potential candidates now number over 70)! Give credit where credit is due and stop trying to after-the-fact tear down William Shakespeare. After all, he cannot defend himself, can he?

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