Monday, March 5, 2012

The Coming of formidable lizards

Amazingly, there was time when mankind almost forgot about giant marauding lizards known now as "dinosaurs" (Greek for "formidable lizards"). Had these creatures remained shrouded in mystery for millions of years? Or was there a time when humans and "dinosaurs" shared the land? Scientists of today will tell you that the creatures now known as "dinosaurs" lived millions of years before modern humans "emerged". So we are told, they lay buried, fossilized, and unknown in the soil for millions and millions of years and then were "discovered" by humans in the 1800's. So how did "frightening lizards" come back to our collective remembrance? In 1824, a clergyman (ironically) named William Buckland found some fossils which were termed "Megalosaurus". It was determined scientifically that these bones belonged to a large reptile. At the time, I'm sure some people thought they had found "dragon bones". Later, in 1841 a chap named Richard Owen decided, based on these bones, that there actually were once huge reptiles that roamed the Earth in ancient times (dragons?). He dubbed them "dinosaurs" which, in Greek means "terrible lizards". In this case terrible means "filling one with terror". Which giant meat eating lizards most certainly would do. So until this time were human beings oblivious to dinosaurs? had no ancient people ever seen or known about "dinosaurs"? I think the evidence shows that ancient people were well aware of "dinosaurs" only they didn't call them that (of course). So what did the ancients call these huge reptiles? You guessed it, "dragons". They were huge reptiles, were they not? I believe that the collective evidence of the knowledge of dinosaurs (then known as dragons) is quite compelling. Lets look at some (swiped and compiled from the Genensis Park website). Dinosaur-like creatures (dragons) can be found on ancient pottery, sculptures, and carvings. Consider the folowing...


The image on the left can be found on a Mesopotamian cylinder dating from around 3300 B.C. It is compared to a picture of a sauropod dinosaur. Note the resemblance. There are many more examples at the following link. Please check it out. Genesis Park - Dragons/Dinosaur link Also click---> THIS LINK <---for a 7 part series on this subject. Here is a nice quote from a great website called Science Vs. Evolution. Read this... "In the report on the Doheny Expedition of 1924 dinosaurs were thought to have been extinct for 12 million years. But in the latter part of the 20th century 65 Million years was the well excepted length of time since their extinction. But, as Hubbard, the director of the expedition to the Hava Supai Canyon of the Grand Canyon, wrote after he discovered a depiction of a dinosaur on the canyon walls: "The fact that some prehistoric man made a pictograph of a dinosaur (Diplodocus) on the wall of this canyon upsets completely all of our theories regarding the antiquity of man. Facts are stubborn and immutable things. If theories do not square with the facts then the theories must change, the facts remain." The French archaeologist Claude Jacques discovered a "Stegosaur-like animal on the wall" along with well known animals of modern times in the Ta Prohm Buddhist temple dedicated in AD 1200 in Cambodia. There is a Torosaurus type dinosaur on a 1700 year old floor mosaic in Israel with a man throwing a rock at it; and, on a 1300 year old demolished Jewish temple in Syria there is a bi-pedal Cryolophosaurus type dinosaur with a lion attacking a horse on a temple column. The famous Palestrina Nile Mosaic from 100 BC contains that is thought to be a dinosaur along with other possible extinct animals. John Damascene claimed 1300 years ago that "dragons" were real and lived in his time and they came in all sizes; some were huge and some had horns. These are just a few examples of many realistic depictions of dinosaurs within the history of man that are also depicted in modern paleontology books based on study of their bones. One major question arises: Why are C-14 dates for dinosaur bones some 20,000 to 25,000 RC years older than these depictions? More research is needed." Here is the web address of that site: Another good website dealing with this subject: A good book on the subject I can't recommend enough is "Dinosaurs or Dragons" by Darek Issacs! To Be Continued...

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