Sunday, May 15, 2011

Yesterday we cleaned the Garage!!!

Dad's garage needed cleaning. So we did it. We spent ALL day (11:50 a.m. to 8:15 p.m.) cleaning that sucker! It looks great! Here are some pics of the event!

Here is the way the garage looked before. Junk piled high.

The yard after the garage disgorged its contents...

Here is the way it looked after our day long effort.

Randy did yeoman's service!

Here is the U-Haul filled with junk and garbage!

Here is (L to R) Randy, John, and Mike... the cleaning crew.

On Monday, John and Randy will empty the U-Haul at the local landfill!

Over and out!

** UPDATE **

According to John, the junk and trash in the U-Haul weighed 1.21 tons!!!!

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