Thursday, May 5, 2011


Boy, some people sure love conspiracy theories. It is a billion dollar business, in fact. My latest sojourn into the deep dark bowels of the JFK assassination conspiracy has left me highly skeptical of people who get off on belief in conspiracy theories, and those who prey on the gullible for fun and profit. Aside from the aforementioned JFK Conspiracy, there are a few other conspiracies that fringe whack-jobs spend an awful lot of valuable time trying to make money off of... Things like:
9/11 "Truth" Movement (Truthers)
Believe it or not, some idiots actually claim that the US government itself did all the bad stuff we know happened on 9/11. This filthy rot has replaced the Kennedy Assassination as the favorite conspiracy du jour. To say that it is a load of fetid rubbish is to downplay the potentially insidious nature of the adherance to such foul crap. Anyone who actually believes that the U.S. government did it, there were no planes, all the evidence is fake, etc. is a deluded nincompoop, and not worth taking seriously. Not coincidentally, most 9/11 truthers think Lee harvey Oswald was a saint. 
The Moon Landing Doubters
Believe it or not, some idiots actually claim that we never landed on the moon. This is just a load of drivel. How can a sane person actually believe that the whole thing was faked? Is it because it was amazing? Well, yes, it was certainly that, but hey! It happened. There has been so much proof that thinking it was a hoax is beyond silly. It's downright offensive. 

Government UFO cover-up 
Believe it or not, some idiots actually claim that UFO's (read little creatures from another planet in fancy spacecraft) have regularly visited our planet, and the U.S. government (or potentially every government on Earth) has decided to hide the truth from all us ignorant wretches, lest we run screaming and panicking into the streets. The only thing worse than actually believeing this is telling people you actually believe this. There's other ones... like chem-trails, Illuminati, all other assassinations, Elvis is still alive, anything involving Dick Cheney... Each of these stupid theories can be easily laid to rest like a decaying corpse overdue for burial, but some people (mostly those named Alex Jones) still choose to "believe" in them. Why? It says so much more about the individual who believes it than the issue itself. By the way, I see a new conspiracy a-brewin'... The Bin Laden Death cover up! coming soon to the paranoia-fogged brain of a nut-job near you!

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