Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What Does God Mean to Famous People

I found a website that asks celebrities about God. Their answers are interesting. 

The question is... What does God mean to you? 


 "Joy. Unconditional love. Perfection. I Can't describe it, that's how strong it is. That's how strong that essence... it's an essence." Goldie Hawn 

 "I always thought that God was 100% of the energy of man. That if we were to use 100% of our brain power, we might at that moment be able to see God." Henry "the Fonz" Winkler 

"My belief system is a melting pot of everything I've studied. So, you know, Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus, Allah... they're all important in my world." Patric Swayze 

 "I believe in a divine presence, a goodness. I try to be as good as possible. I believe in prayer, but I don't have anything formal that I do." Mike Myers 

 "God is in everything. I believe in... I'm a, you know... to me, my god is nature. The incredible intensity and organization of nature." Harrison Ford 

 "I believe." Larry Miller 

 "God is life to me. God is what you would call love, the essence of love is God, meaning that I have to love myself, I have to love my surroundings, God made everybody, so he made everybody for a purpose, I don't get into worrying about what other people do, I have to do what I need to do to keep the commandments that God would want me to keep." Evander Holyfield 

 "God is everything to me. Without God I am nothing. I couldn't exist without him, and I keep him in everything I do." Snoop Dogg 

 "God is good." Denzel Washington 

 "What? Who? I think God means a lot to everyone. I hate to get into religious philosophical discussions because that may take a few hours." Clint Eastwood 

 "Well, he created me...(laughter)" Mel Gibson 

 "When you are born Catholic, you have to have a relationship with God." David Hasselhoff 

 "God's in my life every day. Even now, this very second." Eddie Murphy 

 "She has a great sense of humor." Billy Zane


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