Monday, April 11, 2011


So do I believe in Bigfoot? In a word - No. However, I am intrigued by the search for unknown animals (cryptozoology). It seems to me one of the most exciting things in the world is to tromp through the forests and wildernesses of the world searching for previously unknown life forms. It is enough to put a tingle up your backside.

Now, honestly, the crown jewel of cryptozoology buffs is Bigfoot. Even though most of us skeptical types know they don't exist, many of us WANT to believe at least. But honestly, I think at this point if there was a group of huge ape-men in the woods, they would have been discovered already. I mean, the coelicanth was found and it lives in the ocean, which, last time I checked is a heck of a lot bigger than the pacific northwest. And underwater to boot.

So I think our chances of finding a bigfoot are slim to impossible. As a kid I swore that when I grew up, I would find bigfoot. Turns out I did. He's right there inside our heads.

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