Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The JFK assassination

I have always been intrigued with this topic and have researched quite a bit. In fact, I'd say I have researched the subject more than anyone I know. I can say without a doubt that Oswald fired at the president. Sure, there MAY have been a conspiracy. We will never know for sure! I am not naive enough to think that the COMPLETE truth was brought forth with the Warren Commission. Though I don't think that widespread and sinister cabal was involved, as some in the conspiracy crowd think. I DO think that the CIA is powerful enough to do something like kill a president. But I don't think they would do it unless America's national interest was being compromised. I think this is certainly NOT the case with Kennedy. Love him or hate him, he was NOT anti-American. So it seems unlikely that the U.S. government would attempt to "correct" itself from whatever problems it had by cutting off its own head so to speak.

The bewildering number of conspiracies, each one leading to another in and of itself seems to indicate a lack of truth. Each conspiracy theory can be "supported" with its own set of so-called "facts". Also EVERYTHING that happened with regard to the JFK assassination is disputed. This also seems to indicate a willingness to find conspiracy where none actually exists. Whatever has been held forth as historically accurate by historians is automatically questioned as false by conspiracy theorists.

In fact, there are hundreds of conspiracy theories...

Here is a list of several theories that certain people have claimed explain the assassination of JFK on that sad day in 1963.

* The Lyndon Johnson Theory
NOT LIKELY: This theory claims that since LBJ stood to benefit, and since this all went down in his home state of Texas, LBJ masterminded a plot to rub out Kennedy and take the presidency. Clever conspiracists say there is plenty of circumstantial evidence pointing to this. In fact, it is increasingly common these days to say that LBJ had some involvement in JFK's death. I'm not so sure, but LBJ sure was a shady character. It seems if LBJ had wanted to get rid of Kennedy, there are better, less obvious ways.

* The CIA Plot Theory
NOT LIKELY: Closely tied with the LBJ, and the FBI theories. This theory claims that the CIA got rid of Kennedy because they were angry at his handling of the Bay of Pigs fiasco, and furthermore did not like the direction he was taking the country. Supposedly the CIA contracted some assassins to do the job. A sizable list of possible assassins have been mentioned, none of which can be conclusively tied to the crime. Possible CIA assassins include Frank Sturgis, Orlando Bosch, Pedro Diaz Lang, the Novis brothers, Lucien Sarti, David Ferrie, John Michael Mertz (Soutre), Oswald himself, and others. The CIA plot could be the source of John McCain's possible (infamous) Freudian slip in 2008. It's fun to speculate, but to date there has never been any evidence that the CIA killed Kennedy.

* The J. Edgar Hoover (FBI) Theory
NOT LIKELY: This theory claims that Hoover and the FBI got rid of Kennedy for the same reason as mentioned above in the CIA theory. I think Hoover was above anything so smarmy as murdering the president though. Also, had Hoover and the FBI actually decided to kill Kennedy, it would have gone down much differently.

* The Oil baron H. L. Hunt Theory
NOT LIKELY: This theory claims that Hunt was part of the CIA, LBJ, FBI plot in a financial capacity. It is claimed that he felt threatened by Kennedy who didn't approve of his fringe right-wing views.

* The Mafia Theory
NOT LIKELY: This theory claims that the Mafia, specifically Sam Giancana and other cosa nostra members helped get JFK elected, and were likely involved in a plot to assassinate Fidel Castro. When the Kennedy's were in power they went after the Mafia in a highly publicized and embarrassing way (for the mafia). So, it is suggested by some that Giancana essentially put out a hit on the president. Many claim that the mafia and the CIA were in cahoots. I remain unconvinced. Traditionally, the mafia doesn't target high profile public officials. While the mafia, I'm sure, was glad Kennedy was dead, no credible evidence (other than he said she said) has ever been produced of a direct connection between the Kennedy assassination and the mafia.

* The New Orleans Connection
NOT LIKELY: Guy named Jim Garrison (a hero to the conspiracists) prosecuted a guy named Clay Shaw for conspiracy. This is the story that makes the main storyline of the movie "JFK" (one of the most factually incoherent movies of all time). The jury found Shaw innocent, and the whole thing was dropped. But that didn't stop Garrison from reaping a tidy profit from book and movie deals. The "JFK" movie, to this day, is the main reason a lot of people believe in a conspiracy. It represents all major conspiracy theories as fact. Too bad the movie is filled with lies and half truths. Keep in mind, the jury did not convict.

* The Cuban Exiles Theory
NOT LIKELY: This theory claims that Cuban exiles, angry over the "Bay of Pigs" fiasco killed JFK. Their services were, it is claimed, arranged by the CIA.

* The General Edward Lansdale Theory
A STRETCH: This theory claims that the Military had a hand in the assassination. Landsdale allegedly sent the man in charge of Presidential security out of the country on a last minute trip. Some find it ironic that the President was killed during the time his security chief was out of country. Additionally, Landsdale was allegedly both seen and photographed in Dealey plaza the day of the assassination. Our military would never kill its commander in chief. Sorry, just would NOT happen.

* The Richard Nixon Theory
NOT LIKELY: This theory claims that Nixon, still angry over losing the presidential election to Kennedy in 1960, somehow knew about and in some cases encouraged the Mafia/CIA plot to kill Kennedy. There is no real proof of any of this. Just hear-say "evidence".

* The Bilderberg Theory
A STRETCH: This theory claims that the illuminati, one world secret government took out Kennedy because he was not playing by their rules and became too strongly independent. This is a bogus theory dreamed up by someone trying to sell a book. No credible evidence for this theory has ever been produced. More "he said she said" baloney.

* The William Greer Theory
RIDICULOUS: This theory claims that the presidential limo driver (William Greer) turned around and administered the head shot seen in the infamous Zapruder film. Never mind that the film shows he had no gun in his hand. Although he did turn and look at the president the very moment the head shot occurred. Give me a freakin' break!

* The Jackie Kennedy Theory
RIDICULOUS: This theory claims that Jackie administered the horrific head shot by pressing a concealed weapon up against Kennedy's left temple. Uh, no.

* The "Three Tramps" Theory
DISPROVEN: This theory claims that three "tramps", who were found near Dealey Plaza moments after the assassination were somehow involved. Possibly the shooters themselves. They were all later identified and cleared. Regardless, many conspiracy theorists claim that they were CIA operatives, mafia hit men, or both. Unfortunately, there is NO evidence that they were anything other than 3 vagrants in the wrong place at the wrong time.

* The Russian Theory
A STRETCH: This theory claims that due to the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Kennedy's strong resistance to both Communism, and Cuba, Russian assassins killed Kennedy. This was the single most ASSUMED conspiracy immediately following the assassination. Most average people in America, just after the killing, assumed the Russians did it. After the Soviet collapse, tons of documents were released. Nothing indicates Russia's involvement. Other than the fact that Lee Oswald LOVED Russia, and communism.

* The Man in the trunk theory
RIDICULOUS: This theory claims that there was a shooter in the trunk of the presidential limo. Sure.

* The "Umbrella Man" Theory
DISPROVEN: This theory claims that the suspicious guy who opens an umbrella seconds before the head shot shot a dart out of said umbrella killing Kennedy. Hmmmm... no. The man was later identified (Louis Steven Witt) and said he was using his umbrella to heckle the president about the Kennedy family's "appeasement" toward Hitler before WWII. We'll never know if Kennedy saw the umbrella or even understood it as a protest, as he was shot right as the umbrella was deployed.

* The Abraham Zapruder Theory
RIDICULOUS: This theory claims that the man who took the film actually had a gun in the camera and fired it during filming. C'mon... seriously?

* The Federal Reserve Theory
A STRETCH: This theory claims that, angered by some reforms Kennedy was suggesting, the big wigs in the banking system snuffed him out to keep their power. If they wanted to avoid economic turmoil, killing the president would sure be a dumb way to accomplish this.

* The Secret Service Theory
NOT LIKELY: This theory claims that members of the president's own secret service detail had a hand in killing JFK. May tie in with the CIA plot. There is NO evidence of this.

* The Isreali Theory
A STRETCH: This theory claims that Israel's Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, who led that country from 1948 until he resigned in 1963, was so angered by John F. Kennedy's refusal to allow Israel to become a nuclear power that he commanded the Mossad to kill Kennedy. Ben-Gurion believed that Israel's very survival was dependent on its acquiring a nuclear weapon to defend itself. Makes for a good story, but seriously? Is there any evidence? No.

* The Roscoe White / Jack Ruby Theory
NOT LIKELY: This theory claims that Roscoe White and Jack Ruby plotted to kill Kennedy in cooperation with CIA operatives code named "Saul" and "Lebanon". Roscoe White supposedly had a diary which detailed everything but it was taken by the FBI and never seen again. Too bad. That would have been the ONLY physical evidence of a conspiracy to date. Isn't it amazing that any tangible evidence proving a conspiracy is either lost, or has been "mysteriously" confiscated.

* The General Edwin Walker Theory
A STRETCH: This theory claims that Gen. Edwin Walker, the man Lee Harvey Oswald had tried to assassinate in April of 1963, some 7 months before the Kennedy assassination, was angry at Kennedy for firing him and that he plotted to kill JFK in retaliation. Never happened.

The Kennedy Mutiny by Will Fritz

* The George Hickey Accidental Discharge Theory
RIDICULOUS: This theory claims that a secret service man in the follow up car, while raising his rifle to cover the Texas School Book Depository just after the shooting accidentally shot Kennedy in the head. Oops. My bad. In sworn testimony before the Warren Commission, Hickey testified he didn't even pick up his rifle until after the fatal shot had been administered.

* The Robert Easterling Theory
NOT LIKELY: This theory claims that Robert Easterling knew about the plot and helped. He testified that Oswald and David Ferrie, and Clay Shaw were all involved. This theory more or less conforms with the CIA plot theory.

* The "John Connolly was the real target" Theory
A STRETCH: This theory claims that Oswald intended to shoot John Connally and accidentally hit JFK twice. Right.

* The Storm Drain Theory
RIDICULOUS: This theory claims that a sniper or gunman was secreted inside a storm drain, which was suspiciously filled in shortly after the assassination.

* The Two Oswalds Theory
RIDICULOUS: This theory claims that there were actually TWO Oswalds. One a Russian spy. See the Russian theory above.

* The White-Supremacists Theory
A STRETCH: This theory claims that white supremacist, angry over Kennedy's social reforms, plotted to ace him out in Dallas. No evidence.

* The Fidel Castro Theory
A STRETCH: This theory claims that since it was known that Kennedy had tried to kill him by assassination, Fidel, in turn, tried to kill Kennedy... and succeeded. A lot of people at the time of the murder assumed it was the Russians. Or Castro. Or both. In a way it was... Lee Oswald was a communist Russian sympathizer, who LOVED Cuba and the Castro regime.

* The Dal-Tex Building Assassin Theory
NOT LIKELY: This theory claims that the actual shooting came from the Dal-Tex building which is located next to the Texas School Book Depository. Claims that "strange objects" can be seen in some photographs taken at the time of the assassination are a stretch. The alleged assassin is Jim Braden, who allegedly had ties with David Ferrie, and the mob, as well as H.L. Hunt. Any real evidence of this? >crickets<

*The Joseph Milteer Theory
DISPROVEN: Joseph Milteer was a radical right wing kook. He "supposedly" predicted the Kennedy assassination ahead of time. Problem is, there is NO EVIDENCE that he was involved, or that he had any foreknowledge, or was even IN Dallas the Day JFK got murdered. His name still pops up sometimes as modern conspiracists regurgitate old disproven and discredited so-called "evidence" debunked decades prior. After all the Milteer story sounds so juicy, so tantilizing. Unfortunately he simply wasn't involved. Check this for more info: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/milteer.htm

* The Grassy Knoll Tunnels Theory
RIDICULOUS: This theory alleges that there was an intricate series of tunnels in the "grassy knoll" which included places where gunmen could see out and fire. Again, there is no evidence of this.

* The UFO info Theory
RIDICULOUS: Claims that 10 days prior to the assassination, Kennedy had ordered all info pertaining to UFO's declassified and made public. Fearing a mass panic, certain factions within the government killed him to prevent this. This is just dumb.

Interestingly, in the final Presidential debate in 2008 between Barack Obama and John McCain, while drawing a comparison McCain said this:

"When Sen. Obama was first asked [about having a televised debate], he said, "Any place, any time," the way Barry Goldwater and Jack Kennedy agreed to do, before the intervention of the tragedy at Dallas. So I think the tone of this campaign could have been very different."

Some conspiracy folks said McCain, who has served in the halls of power for almost 30 years, implied that Kennedy was removed from office through some kind of covert "intervention"? While there is a good chance that McCain may be privy to some information that the rest of us DO NOT know, what he said was "the intervention OF the tragedy" meaning -- had the tragedy not intervened, the debates back in '60 would have taken place. This is far more benign than what conspiracy folks want to hear.

One thing for sure... Kennedy sure made a lot of enemies in his short 34 months in office.

Still to date, the BEST solution to the mystery is that Oswald acted alone, and killed JFK, then officer J.D. Tippett. In his rampage he also wounded Governor Connally. Remember, he had previously attempted to assassinate General Walker, proving he was a willing assassin.

The book called "Case Closed" is probably the best book from the "Lone Gunman" perspective. It makes the case against Oswald pretty airtight.

Check this site for tons more info from the "Oswald as Lone Gunman" perspective:


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