Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hours of fun = Listverse

Here is a website that can cause you to have hours of fun.


Reason To Be Thankful #256: T-Rex

I am so glad that I didn't have to share my planet with these ancient, now extinct creatures! They were huge, you couldn't out-run them, and they would gladly eat you.

Reason to be Thankful #456: Dunkleosteus Terrelli

I am so glad I didn't live at the same time these creatures did. This thing, which scientists know next to nothing about, was apparently very very big.

Scientists, who guess and estimate A LOT, say that it was 33 feet long and weighed like 4 tons. They even claim it could "bite a shark in two". Okay!

All I know is I would not want to be in the water when it showed up!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


America, thanks to NASA, is going back to the moon. With a new highly volatile prototype rocket in the works, and a new objective... To boldly go where no toddler has gone before? Here is the astronaut of the future:  
"It just makes sense." says Adam Cristenson, lead mission co-ordinator for NASA's new Taurus Moon Program. "In the 60's we used dogs and monkeys, but this is so much closer to humans. Plus, a two year old can't opt out." "I'm excited we're returning to the moon. It's about @#%&*% time." said A.J. "Bud" LeStreig, one of NASA's co-ordinators who are in charge of rounding up babies for the mission. The first scheduled flight is in January of 2015. The Astronauts for that mission have not yet been born.

Springsteen's politics

I am so sad that Bruce Springsteen, my main man, my musical guru, is a political liberal. I have, in the past few years, wasted a lot of brain cells on the subject of why that is. My guess is he is a decent-hearted guy who is filled with a certain amount of guilt over the fact that he went from a lower middle class up-bringing to be worth an estimated $200+ million. He wants to be percieved as "caring" and "a man of the people" even though he is a musical legend, is VERY wealthy, and never had a 9 to 5 job for any significant period in his life. In fact he has pretty much always followed his dream and never had to endure countless years sweating rent as a barely-making-it wage slave. I think he still can identify with these kinds of people by channeling his father and and mother as well as other members of his family. But he himself has almost always been successful (yes he paid his dues back in the early 70's for a brief time).

Another factor is that I think he is not that well informed on the issues and whatever information he does get comes from ONE source and that is a left-leaning liberal source. The fact that he once name-checked George Soros makes me want to upchuck. Soros is a soulless radical leftist. Get away from him Boss. He is really really bad. basically Bruce is neither a republican or a democrat. He is an Ignocrat. Someone who has their opinions based on faulty info and cannot be convinced by new information. These people form their OWN opinions and are not moved by the opinions of others, UNLESS it jives with their own previously held views.

NEVERTHELESS, I do NOT listen to Bruce for political reasons. Actually the contrary is true. I like him in SPITE of our differing political views. I am a center-right conservative. He is a left of center liberal. I feel that I am open minded enough to enjoy an artist who does not share my own particular political views. Unless they are destructive views. Bruce is definitely a very thoughtful and well-meaning person. He LOVES his country, has an affinity for the working class, and appreciates the humble roots he sprang from.

Make no mistake -- Bruce is a very patriotic American man!

To be continued...

Springsteen's Wrecking Ball

As you might have noticed, I am a huge Springsteen fan. I love his music. His music to me is very inspirational and has a coarse beauty all its own. He taps into a rich tapestry of emotions and feelings, and his music, to me, evokes a sense of excitement that no other artist I can think of does for me.

He is soon to release his 17th CD (album) of original music on March 6th called "Wrecking Ball". Fortunately, throught the magic of the internet, I have already heard it several times.

Here is my one word review:


The collection is simply great. All of the music is fresh and sonically enjoyable. The production by Ron Aniello is really nearly perfect, and the lyrics are compelling and interesting!

I would give it 5 out of 5 stars!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Great Moon Hoax

Back in the late 60's and early 70's NASA told the American people that we actually landed on the moon. It was a bit fat lie. It was the greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon the public (if you don't count the 9/11 cover-up, the Kennedy assassination conspiracy, the Obama birth certificate scandal, and the "Elvis is alive" story).

In fact, the vastness of this coverup is so huge and complete that I'm not even sure what my own name is right now.

Thankfully some level-headed, clear-minded and resourceful individuals have been valiant enough to take a stand against such evil. Such pillars of indefatigable intellectual prowess as Bart Sibrell have literally put their sterling reputations on the line for the good of an informed public. Thank God for such heroes as Bill Kaysing and any other heroic individual that is an advocate of the Moon Hoax theory for standing up for what is right and decent. Sure these people have become infamous, but I know for sure none of them ever for a moment desired fame, or ever wanted monetary remuneration. The fact that these things have come to them is their own blessing for being brave enough to fight for all of us who desire the truth.

Here then I too throw my hat in the ring so to speak. I too wish to join the cacophonous ranks of those who will stand against the conspiracies, and bring proof that WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON!

Exhibit A:

Here is an unedited photo which NASA doesn't want you to see. It is of the Apollo 17 astronauts working. Note the trees in the background. They are clearly still on Earth. Later, the photos were retouched to make it appear they were on the moon.

Exhibit B:

All of us thrilled at the moon rover back when it happened. Little did we know that it was all a lie. Here is a non-retouched photo NASA does not want you to see (I acquired it through back channels). Notice the man in the background. These astronauts are clearly still on Earth PROVING we never went to the moon.

Exhibit C:

NASA claims this image (which they do not want you to see) shows Neil Armstrong on the moon. If you look very closely, this image has been retouched to appear to show a moon landing. So tell, me, Mr. NASA-man, if that is Neil Armstrong, who took the photo?

Exhibit D:

Here is another image NASA doesn't want you to see. This photo shows obvious signs of retouching. NASA claims this photo shows Neil Armstrong planting the flag on the moon. Bunk! If you look very closely, the shadows here are all wrong. The differing lengths of shadow indicate multiple sources of artificial lighting. Additionally, where are the stars? There are NO STARS!!! This is bombshell PROOF we never set foot on the moon.

Exhibit E:

Here is another photo NASA doesn't want you to see. Here we see an unedited photo of Neil Armstrong supposedly scooping up soil samples on the surface of the moon. It becomes apparent with close inspection that this is taking place while still on Earth. Note the grinning NASA puppet-masters in the background, no doubt filled with sinister glee at the grand hoax they were about to perpetrate!

As if all this evidence isn't enough (and friends I have a lot more evidence), I spoke with a former NASA employee who worked on the Apollo missions. He says without a doubt that we never went to the moon at all. He claims NASA faked everything. He has other revelations from NASA as well. Such as the fact that we never landed rovers on Mars, and that Pluto was removed from the list of planets due to the fact that it is actually an alien spacecraft.

Here is "Ron" who worked for NASA from 1965 to 1973. He claims we never set foot on the moon. He is also convinced that there are werewolves in his underwear.

Please note: The above article was satirical in nature and not intended to offend anyone but the self-indulgent canker-worms who still have the gall to question and doubt, in spite of OVERWHELMING evidence, that we landed on the Moon 6 times from 1969 to 1972.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Some great great APOLLO sites

These are GREAT Apollo mission websites. Literally HOURS of fun to be had!

Apollo Lunar Surface Journal

Apollo Image Atlas

Wednesday, February 1, 2012