Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blow in the head

Have you ever enjoyed an especially hard blow to the head. Needless to say it can be disconcerting. I know, because it happened to me not long back. I had just ordered and picked up a "mess" of BBQ from one our favorite spots... Faith's BBQ. As I was walking to my car I glanced down to make sure that I was carrying everything straight with no spillage. When "pagck-raaaang"! (sounded just like that) It felt like someone had whomped me on the top of the head with a brick-bat. A thrilling jolt of pain shot down through my body and my knees bent quickly. They didn't buckle! No sir! They bent. I was instinctively ducking (albeit after the fact) away from danger. Briefly I thought how humorous this drama must have looked to a person who may have been casually watching the gringo heading to his car with his BBQ, only to endure a massive head shot.

At impact I was walking at a fair clip. I tend to walk fairly briskly, and this time was no exception.

By the way, this was one of those "finger-dabber" hits. You know, when you rub the spot and check your fingers for blood.

So what hit me?

I had actually walked full-force into a head-level Air-conditioner cage. this is it:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That certainly was a "knee walking" shot to the head. I'm glad you remembered where you lived. See, it could have been worse.