Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hard drive crash!

Here's the story of a man who put all his valuables onto an external hard-drive for safe keeping. The man's name is Mike Walk. On the drive he had countless pictures, mp3's, videos, and text files. Stuff that had real value to him. Then one day, in the blink of an eye... the hard-drive crashed. All that stuff became trapped in a dead drive.

So beware my friends. Always back up your photos and other valuables onto a data DVD disc. Then store those discs somewhere. If you do this... you will never suffer the loss I had.

There is a [slight] happy ending. I was able to recover several music files (some of my own music), and several thousand photos.

So, learn from my mistakes!! It could happen to you!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your advice is excellent. If we would only do it. There is an alternative to discs and that is Carbonite. You get a 15 day free trial. Annual fee is $50.00. What ever works the easiest for you is the way to go. Carbonite is one of Rush Limbaugh's sponsors.