Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Atheism = A religion

I am confounded by atheists. I don't understand the motivation by some to reject the notion of a supreme being. Something that even the most under-developed people on the planet readily admit. The devout atheist is an unusual bird. He rejects religion and yet exhibits all the trappings and fervor of a religious zealot. Its a bit like someone who hates parties, throwing a party to celebrate their hatred of parties. It all seems so mixed up and self-indulgent.

It is of course all well and good for someone to not believe in God, if that is their choice. After all, the "convert or die" attitude held by some extremeists was NEVER once encouraged or condoned by Jesus. In fact just the opposite is true. Jesus always stressed decency and humility. So the atheist is within his rights as a human being to reject the notion of God if he chooses. But that in no way exhonerates him from the resposibility all humans have for being obedient to their creator. Just because a child rejects his parents in no way changes the fact that they remain offspring of the parents. This can never change, in spite of the relationship, or lack thereof.

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