Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Dad

Here is John Samuel Walk. American!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Macro-evolution is a load of twaddle

The notion that one kind of animal becomes another kind of animal over time is a quaint antiquated notion like the flat earth theory or the notion that the Earth was the center of the universe. It either isn't true and cannot be observed, or is simply factually wrong. Take your choice. No wait. It isn't quaint. Its fatuous and stupid. 

The evolutionist is so obsessed with the fact that EVOLUTION is SCIENCE and not a RELIGION, and they will be overjoyed to bloviate endlessly about it, yet they are CONSTANTLY talking about religion as compared to science. Evolutionists are ANTI-religion. Are Christians anti-science? Nope. 

Why are scientists so angry about believers? I think I know the reason. It all boils down to accountability. Anti-religious zealots are virulently rebellious against any over-arching authority. They WANT to be considered merely high-order animals. Therefore there is no accountability for any actions that may be termed "immoral" or even "improper". All is fair in love and apehood. 

True Christians on the other hand are accountable, nay, subject to, God and his authority. A Christian believes that we must ultimately answer to God for our ctions, choices, and behaviors. Atheists are under no such authority. I love the smug and self-assured way that the left-leaning atheistic evolutionists demean people of faith when they have more faith than Billy Graham himself. 

They have complete and blind faith in science (even though scientific theories currently held as rock solid facts might be overturned tomorrow by new facts or data). They completely and totally reject any notion of God as an entity, much less a personal saving heavenly Father. 

These scientists are the "prodigal sons" of the new age. Turning their backs on God they are wandering in a strange new land, where they feel empowered by their separation from God. The only problem is... they are NOT empowered. Not really. Gravity is still gravity, entropy is still entropy, and God is still God. And rejecting God is foolish since we live in HIS created reality. 

In essence, we are guests in HIS house. He formed it all, so he sets the rules. Who are we to question anything God decides? 

Back to evolution. Science SHOULD revolve around viewable and/or reproducible evidence. Show me some of that with regards to macro-evolution. Thank you. There isn't ANY! 

So what is science doing basing life-changing decisions on faith, assumptions, and supposition? Sounds like blind-faith religion to me. 

Consider this: Religion is defined as "a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices" or "a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith" Boy this fits atheistic evolutionists to a tee! 

Lets compare Christianity to Atheistic evolution. 

We have Father God, they have mother nature. 
We have the Holy Spirit, they have science. 
We have Jesus Christ, they have Charles Darwin. 
We have churches, they have Universities. 
We have pastors, they have professors.
We have ministers, they have researchers. 
We have the Bible, they have "Origin of Species".
We have the clergy, they have scientists. 
We have Billy Graham, they have Richard Dawkins. 
We had Jerry Falwell, they had Christopher Hitchins. 
We have mission trips, they have archeological digs. 
We have answered prayer, they have assumptions. 
We have testimonies, they have fossils. 
We have theological writings, they have scientific journals.
We have evangelistic crusades, they have science seminars.

So as you can see, atheism is as much a religion as any other entity purporting to be thus. Although any good atheist would, out of hand, reject any notion that they are a religion, I believe that a good objective view of it would result in drawing the same conclusion. 

So evolution is their baby. That is their primary doctrinal concept. That things evolved randomly over scads of time. This is their dogma. Any deviation from this is heresy. As with any religion a stigma is attached to anyone devating from the commonly held beliefs. 

God help the poor professer who discovers on his own that macro-evolution is fatuous, and says so. He is endangering his livelihood, and his reputation by saying this. Because he has committed heresy he must be cast out and ridiculed. By the way, isn't this the aspect of religion that turns so many atheists off from organized religion? Hmmm. Turns out they do the exact same thing. 

Actually, I hold a few beliefs that might differ from my creationist colleagues. Since we CANNOT know for sure what happened in the distant past, anyones guess is sufficient to "answer" the mystery of origins. So here is mine. based on what I have read and my own deep thinking based on reason and known information.

I am not a "Young Earth Creationist". But I am also not an "Old Earth Creationist" either. My views float somewhere in between. I do believe that the earth has been around for millions of years. Perhaps even billions. However, I think that Human life as we know it, is relatively recent. 

I think that Adam and Eve were actual people, and were probably the first actual humans in the real current sense. I think they definitely were significant to the human race, because that is what it says in the Bible (which I hold as the ultimate truth about life on this planet). 

I'm not 100% convinced that they were literally the first people on earth. Although this is strongly iterated in the Bible. There MAY be some allegorical information in the story of Adam and Eve (as well as other parts of the Bible). What is factual and what is allegorical, if anything, we will never know for sure. 

Although speculating can be an enjoyable mental exercise. As far as what is revealed to us by God, we must basically take it on face value. I believe the story of the global flood catastrophe is true and real, although some of the information might also be somewhat allegorical in nature. I do believe the ark was an actual device used by God to preserve a remnant of non-aquatic life, and i am NOT convinced that the flood was local. I do believe that the flood was a global event and that the surface of the planet was significantly changed by it. 

I reject in the strongest possible terms the notion that humans and apes descended from a "common ancestor". I believe that those remains labeled as proto-human are either ancient human or ape remains. I reject the assumptive nature of scientists who extrapolate complete and detailed information from a single tooth, or a small skull fragment. I reject completely the artistic rendering of proto-humans based more on artistic imagination than science, and then displayed as scientific "reality". TO BE CONTINUED...

HUGE rainfall last night

I kept waiting for Noah's ark to come floating down the street. There was lightening and thunder and mayhem. Dang!

Still into Spaghetti Westerns

I'm still enjoying spaghetti westerns at this time. I've watched quite a few lately!

My allergies are running wild again

I have been suffering with allergies again for about 3 days now. Don't know what got me but, dang. Runny itchy nose and a sinus cavity that feels like it is filled with ants. Nothing I take really alleviates it.

Dad claims to be over the shingles

Glad that chapter has closed.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I don't know... (election 2012)

This year is election year. I hope Mitt Romney gets the nod. I think he is what this country needs right now. I could be wrong, but I think he would be a unifying figure. He is also right on economics. I LOVE Newton Gingrich, but besides the fact that I can't fathom a president named "Newt" I think he has very little popular appeal. He appeals to a conservative base, but not to moderates, and Reagan democrats. We need both of these groups to win. So, go Mitt Romney!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Another evolutionary theory (satire)

According to the claims of the theory of evolution, pens and pencils have common ancestors. These items evolved in time and some of them became the pencils of today, while another group that followed another branch of evolution became the pens of today.

Evolutionists call the so-called first common ancestors of pens and pencils “stylus” which means “writing utensil”. A stylus (a kind of stationary that has become extinct) had various types. Some of them were long and hard, while others were small and flexible.

Evolutionists classify the next stage of writing utensil evolution as “dip pens”. According to the evolutionist claim, the things called dip pens are more developed than styli, and not very much different from modern pens. The modern pen of our day, "ball point", is said to have formed at the latest stage of the evolution of this stationary.

Happy Birthday Mom

Today would have been my mom's 75th birthday! Happy birthday mom, in heaven.

Return of the Shingles!

Not me, but my poor dad. A week and a half ago now, he got hit with a severe case of the shingles. He is in LOTS of discomfort. I will tell you that the shingles are terribly painful. I pray for my dad every day that the painful lesions will go away.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Atheism = A religion

I am confounded by atheists. I don't understand the motivation by some to reject the notion of a supreme being. Something that even the most under-developed people on the planet readily admit. The devout atheist is an unusual bird. He rejects religion and yet exhibits all the trappings and fervor of a religious zealot. Its a bit like someone who hates parties, throwing a party to celebrate their hatred of parties. It all seems so mixed up and self-indulgent.

It is of course all well and good for someone to not believe in God, if that is their choice. After all, the "convert or die" attitude held by some extremeists was NEVER once encouraged or condoned by Jesus. In fact just the opposite is true. Jesus always stressed decency and humility. So the atheist is within his rights as a human being to reject the notion of God if he chooses. But that in no way exhonerates him from the resposibility all humans have for being obedient to their creator. Just because a child rejects his parents in no way changes the fact that they remain offspring of the parents. This can never change, in spite of the relationship, or lack thereof.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas 2011

For Christmas 2011

I recieved:
A patriotic jacket from Dad.
A Dallas Cowboys jersey (Dez Bryant) from Cat and Jeremy
A $50 gift card from Izzy.
Two brands of cologne from Izzy.
Two awesome Springsteen books and CD's from John.
Two polo shirts from Izzy's mom.
Two nice shirts from Izzy.
A nice pair of boots (Justin) from Izzy.

To Izzy I gave a nice blue coat from Stein Mart, and a $50 gift card to ebay.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Stubborn woman

We all know that it is hard for some people to admit they are wrong. For this woman, it is impossible! She is determined to do it the wrong way even if it takes all day!


Not sure WHY this is funny. But it is.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mike and Paul, the early years

Here is a photo of Me and Paul ca. 1968.

Update: It’s been pointed out to me (by Paul) that the kid on the left isn’t me. Hmmm. I thought it don’t really look like me, honestly.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Baby on the way!

Here is some great news I have been waiting to tell. Izzy and myself are expecting! Yessir! It's going to be a boy! She conceived on or around September 26th, 2011 and is due June 18, 2012. We will probably name him Blaine Samuel Walk.

Thanks be to God for our little miracle!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Italian Westerns

If you've seen and like "The Good The Bad and The Ugly", then you have only scratched the surface when it comes to Italian Westerns (Spaghetti Westerns). It is an awesome genre and one that is filled with enjoyable viewing experiences aplenty!

Spaghetti Western Stars

There are some famous (over in Europe anyway) stars who acted in Spaghetti Westerns who are relatively (or completely) unknown to us over here. Here are some of the main ones: 

Gianni Garko - He acted in many SW's. His most famous portrayal is as Sartana. Giuliano Gemma - He was most famous as Ringo and starred in a slew of SW's. George Hilton - Star of many SW's. He made several good flicks! Richard Harrison - Star of many SW's. Check this site for many more

Aunt Betty

Poor Aunt Betty is apparently not doing well. For some reason her body is failing her now. She is my father's sister. There is a lot of death going on... Time to pray more.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Watched some Spaghetti Westerns recently

Yesterday I watched "A BULL [Bullet] For Sandoval" with George Hilton and Ernest Borgnine.

It was pretty good.

Last night I watched "The Hills Run Red" starring a bunch of nobody's and Dan Durea. It also was fairly decent, if odd.

I also read a Spaghetti Western book last week. Here it is:

I LOVE Spaghetti Westerns.

Arthur Sessions passed away..

Our neighbor on Saratoga, Arthur Sessions died December 30th. He was 75. I had known the man my whole life. I remember him being a strong burly guy who was an avid outdoorsman and a jack-of-all-trades kinda guy. He worked hard, had a great wit and a dry sense of humor. I never heard him complain a single time about feeling bad or being sick even though he had diabetes, heart problems, and cancer. He was a tough ol' guy! But sadly, he passed away after a couple recent bad heart attacks. Goodbye Arthur. Saratoga will never be the same without you. Arthur as a young man in Smiley 

 Here is how I remember him best:  

 Arthur in his golden years:

Shooter died

The cat we all loved and cared for, Dad's good ol' cat, Shooter died under mysterious circumstances. Best we can figure he died on December 18th. We do not know how he died but we found his body on December 23rd and me and Dad buried him on the morning of December 24th (Christmas Eve). His body turned up in a neighbor's yard a couple days after we posted fliers around the neighborhood: Bye Shooter! We loved you! Shooter was everyone's friend. Here he is watching Mike, the neighbor, work on his car...