Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Own Paranormal Experiences #1

Let me say first off, I am a total skeptic when it comes to the paranormal. But I have had a couple episodes that seem to defy, in my mind at least, explanation. I call this experience "Out of the Corner of My Eye". 

It happened at 538 Dukeway "C" in Universal City Texas, back around 2007. I was standing in the bathroom brushing my teeth and looking into the mirror. The bathroom door was standing open and I was just casually going about my business. It was rather late at night, I'd say around 11:30 pm or so. Our bedroom was down the hall and around the corner to the left from this bathroom. A few moments before I had seen my wife laying in bed seemingly asleep. It's a short hallway. The light from the bathroom extended more or less out into the hallway but beyond that, where the living room and front door area was, the lights were off. While looking in the mirror, I thought I saw my wife tiptoe quickly past the end of the hallway (left to right) toward the front door. She used to sometimes playfully pop out and startle me as a joke, so I turned and thought "aha! Caught ya!" and I walked quietly down the hall to surprise her instead. When I popped around the corner, expecting to see her there waiting to pop out at me, there was no one. Very strange. There would have been no opportunity for her to go back toward the room because I had turned the moment I thought I saw her out of the corner of my eye. So, I turned and went to our bedroom and there she was in bed, covered up. I said to her "Hey, were you out here by the front door just now?" She was obviously asleep and she said "no. I've been here." I had distincly seen in my peripheral vision a smallish figure with a head of black hair jump, or skip, or hop past the end of the short hallway. So who, or what, was it I saw out of the corner of my eye that night? Who knows?

Addendum. Here is the body of an email I sent dad and John on 10/3/15.

Do you guys, remember my famous story about how I "saw" a figure out of the corner of my eye one night while at Dukeway, the first place me and Izzy lived, back in 2007 or 2008? Remember I said I thought it

was her running past, but it turned out it wasn't? You may recall I said I saw her run past the end of the hallway... remember that?

Well, while surfing You Tube one night I stumbled over a scene in a video clip that seemed VERY similar to what I perceived. The only difference is the direction the figure was running. At Dukeway the figure went from left to right, while in this clip it goes from right to left. The video is fake, but very well done.

Anyway, skip to 1:20 and let it roll to about 1:28. What you see in this clip is almost exactly what I perceived 8 or so years ago, and believe me, it wasn't Izzy.

For years now I have racked my brain to explain what I "saw" that night. To no avail. I can only conclude that it was a demon, or an angel. I swear I "saw" it. Just like in the video above. The figure I "saw" at Dukeway also made NO SOUND which was odd because I would have easily heard it's footsteps as it was no more than 9 feet away from me. Very strange.

Thinking back on our time there, I did occasionally feel a bit uneasy if I was there by myself (which wasn't very often it turns out). I chalked it up to living independently for the first time in my life. But in retrospect, I think it was something else. I NEVER feel scared here at Lee Hall, nor did I ever feel scared over at the Loma Linda property. Interestingly, I asked

Izzy about it and she said she never felt scared there even though she spent quite a few nights there alone. Nor does she recall any strange occurrences happening to her. So there you go.

Anyway, I thought I'd share.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could it have been a burglar? A pervert? Perhaps even, dare i say, a burg-vert?