Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dallas Cowboys tanked it in season opener

Well, the Cowboys got off to a rousing start this season. They lost game #1 thanks to lack luster play calling (Jason Garrett), and a crushing last play penalty by ALEX BARRON which negated a last second touchdown that would have potentially won the game. Here is the whole thing... at 2:13 you can see how torn up he is about losing the game for the Cowboys.

So you would expect Jerry Jones (Cowboys owner) to be mad and maybe even fire Barron's butt right? You'd be wrong. Here's what he said...

"He held his own out there pretty good, but we know [penalties] are part of playing well, too,"

That's a good one! "held his own" ha ha... what an unfortunate choice of words. It was his holding penalty that did us in! By the way, Barron was THE MOST PENALIZED player in the NFL last year. Why is he still here?

Alex Barron = Professional Penalty Maker

Get rid of him, and any other rats and roaches in the locker room!

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