Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Catastrophic Earth

I think it is obvious that in the past there was a great catastrophe (or many catastrophes) that changed the face of planet Earth. Those who read and believe the Bible will say that a huge flood was responsible. Those who choose not to believe in the Bible will put forward a vast array of different explanations, each one as fanciful as the last. I think the flood happened. Yes, I do. I also think that the land upon which we live was very different back then. My flood catastrophe hypothesis explains many things science readily accepts as true I believe the catastrophe theory explains plate tectonics, erosion, formation of polar ice caps, fossilization, mass extinction, as well as mountain formation, and the wide-ranging dispersion of animals. I have a question for all scientists who claim to know without doubt what happened in the past. Were you there? Their answer of course must be no. So how can they be so sure? They can’t even tell me what I did in my bathroom last Friday. Although I’ll bet they would have some good theories based on certain information, odds, and common factors, the fact is, NO ONE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED IN MY BATHROOM LAST FRIDAY. So how much less do they know about what happened thousands of years ago? They (we) simply do not know. One theory is as good as the next. Or as bad. The difference between the scientist and the religious adherent is the fact that the religious man can claim to have faith. The scientist cannot. There are other extenuating factors at work on behalf of the religious man. One important thing is the writings of God, called “the Bible”. Within these writings are the stories of Jesus, who billions recognize today as “resurrected savior”, “the creator of everything”, the “divine architect”, and in fact, God in human form. Many people on Earth have devoted their lives to this man in the hopes of one day living forever in a far-flung dimension known as “heaven” or “paradise”. I recognize that the whole thing seems fantastic to the human mind, but then anything having to do with God should, shouldn’t it? This man Jesus, the son of God, the resurrected Christ, mentioned something very interesting. He referenced Noah, and the Ark. Whether he referenced him as a real historical figure, or as a mythological figure in a story that makes a good point is open to some conjecture. But the fact is Jesus mentioned Noah. Most Biblical scholars, and I, believe Jesus saw him as a historical figure. If Jesus is who he says he is, then it is significant that he made specific reference to Noah. So, because he was referenced by the Son of God himself, we must consider Noah. Noah’s story is fairly straightforward in the Bible. It is the story of a man who God spared while the rest of the world was wiped out by a flood. He survived along with his family and a lot of animals in an “ark” (boat) and eventually everyone exited the ark and started over. This is the gist of the
 Most scientists think the story is complete balderdash and entirely laughable. It is often said that the story of Noah is an impossible myth, or a fairy tale. Many factors seem to justify this view, from a scientific standpoint at least. Most arguments against Noah’s Ark and the flood story center on the whole question of the animals. How did Noah fit all the animals on the ark? How did they get there? Could all the diversity we see today come from those few animals on the ark? Etc. Of course these are great questions. I think there is a plausible answer for each one. Could it have happened? Sure. I wasn’t there. Anything could be possible in the distant past. But I think I have a good theory about what happened that squares my religious beliefs with my scientific mind. I am satisfied with it. So let me share it with you. Many Christians will tell you that creation happened around 7,000 years ago. I don’t think so. What if it was more like 70,000 years ago? Or even 100,000 years ago? What if the events portrayed as "Noah's Flood" in the Bible really happened a long long time ago? I think it is possible. I think if Noah exited the ark 70,000 years ago, there would be plenty of time from then til now, to have the diversity we see in the animal kingdom. Even more so if it was 100,000 years ago. The point here is this... there is NO WAY to know exactly when it happened. I believe it happened because "the Bible tells me so". So I must justify in my mind what I believe with what is possible scientifically. Is it "possible" that Noah gathered all the animals into the Ark? Sure. It is possible. I think at one time most of the Earth's crust was above water. Looked at a different way, scientists have proposed a supercontinent they call "Pangea". I agree with this. I think before the flood there was, more or less, a super-continent. That is how all animals came to that huge barge known as "The Ark". During the flood, this continent broke all apart and began forming what we have today. Scientists have proposed "plate techtonics". I'm on board with that. I think the continents broke apart and the surface of the Earth was violently changed. As the Earth's crust split, volcanoes erupted, lava flowed, mountains formed, steam and ash filled the sky, etc. It was very cataclysmic. I believe it is quite likely that the deluge story is describing an eyewitness account of an actual polar shift. For more information put "polar shift" in Google. There are tons of websites dealing with it. Had this happened, it would have completely changed the Earth. Is it possible? Of course it is. The fact that nearly EVERY culture has a flood story in its ancient history tells me that something happened. Stripping away details leaves us with this list of highly probably accurances: 1. Something devastated the Earth in the distant past. 2. Millions of ancient creatures were killed and buried. 3. Floods played a major role in the destruction. 4. A large number of animals survived. 5. A small number of humans survived. These are the facts my scientific mind says definately happened. My religious mind says the details can be found in Genesis, chapters 6 through 9.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Very graphic depiction of the flood and its violence. Imagine being on that small boat buffeted by a raging sea that has gone wild and out of any sort of control. Noah and his family could only sit tight and trust in their God.