Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Oh Boy! Halloween 2009 has come and gone and what a time was had! Halloween landed on a Saturday this year and great fun was had by all! Dad of course hosted his annual Halloween candy give-away! Dad's house looked great as usual and he said there was lots of kids this year! Good! I hope the tradition continues forever! Here is Dad's house decorations!!

My wife Izzy and myself dressed up and had fun at a dance at Oak Hills country club! It was fun! Everyone was dressed up! Izzy looked so cute. She dressed up like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz!! She looked awesome! See for yourself!

As for me, I dressed up as a grim-reaper type thing I like to call "Death Warmed Over"! Here it is...

We seemed to get a lot of positive feedback on both our costumes, so I am happy about that!!! I love Halloween!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both you and Izzy looked great in your costumes. One sweet and perky, the other death warmed over! I suppose when Izzy got tired that night she clicked her heels and disappeared back home!