Sunday, August 21, 2022

Stuff that scared me as a kid

When I was a little kid I was afraid of a lot of stuff that today wouldn’t even register a 1 on the scary scale. But I was a sheltered and innocent lad with a very active imagination. Here is a list of random stuff I was afraid of..

1. The flying monkeys in Wizard Of Oz

2. The midgets in “Free Eats” (Little Rascals). Especially the fat one.

3. The transformation scene in “The Nutty Professor” with Jerry Lewis

4. Stan Laurel’s wagging ears.

5. The “Beyond The Door” trailer.

6. Legend of Boggy Creek (various scenes)

7. A commercial for some company that had the pants talking while draped over a chair.

8. A picture of a lemur in a book with bugged out eyes

9. In Search of… Bigfoot.

10. The toilet. Specifically the hole itself.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Corpus summer 2022


Blissfully Random Photos vol. 11

Moving day!!!

Izzy and Blaine at East Meadows.

Cool Bigfoot painting.

Grandad and Blaine 2013

Man it feels good to have a full tank.

Mike. Little league baseball coach!

This ain’t baby Chris. Creepy doll looks a bit like Chris! Haha!

Pulled up some baseball shows on ROKU. These two random photos somehow matched!

Dad, post spinal injury, convalescing in bed.

So much behind this picture. I just got done eating fries at Freddy’s frozen custard. My Jeep had broke down. Serpentine belt came off on the Highway. I don’t seem worried do I?

Carol when she was a junior in high school. Wish she had stayed on the path of righteousness. Oh well.

Me watching TV at John’s house.

Larry Romine telling us a whopper... He said he rode with a guy all the way from San Antonio to Austin, the guy had his eyes closed and never touched the wheel… and they made it safely. He laughed but he intended for us to believe that story to be true. The punch line was “I never prayed so hard in all my life!”

A random seagull in Corpus. 


Monday, May 30, 2022

Jeep repair

Never park your car in the road. This happened. Someone hit my Jeep and ripped the whole front end off. Dang!!

Kind of jacked it up. I put it together with wire and zip ties. It actually looked… well, sort of ok.

We’ll  look at it now!!! Got the front end all fixed up!!


My dad


Shin shots 2022

This first one happened on 5/16/2022. It came when I slid my right shin across a screw poking up in the attic. The photo doesn’t do it justice. It was a deep bloody mess. I took this photo the next day. Wish i’d thought to photograph it right away. Oh well.

This one happened on 5/28/2022. While wading in the surf in Aransas Bay by Rockport Texas I some caught my left shin on a fairly large submerged piece of metal. At first I thought it was a tree limb or a stump or something. But no it was a round piece of metal. Anyway, when I walked up on shore it started bleeding pretty good. Ouch!!